程序代写CS代考 Computer Graphics – cscodehelp代写

Computer Graphics
COMP3421/9415 2021 Term 3 Lecture 16

What did we learn last lecture?
● Cube Maps
○ Sampling via directional vectors
● Environment Mapping
○ Reflections in static environments
● Realtime Cube Maps
○ Frame Buffers
○ Render to Texture
○ Some discussion of efficiency in realtime reflections

What are we covering today?
More about Reflections
● Reflections from planes Continuing using frame buffers
● Post Processing
● Screen Space Effects

Sphere Maps
By request: Spheres vs Cubes
● A Sphere map is a single texture
● Represents most directions around an object
● Sampling the texture via inversion of reflection
direction to UV coordinates
Image credit:

Sphere Map Creation
The mirror sphere idea
● Can be created by taking a photo of a spherical mirror
● Also a direct mapping between sphere’s normals and texels
● Creation can use the same maths to write to texels
Image credit: ShaderToy user Zavie (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsfXDr)

Sphere Map Analysis
● Fits on one texture Cons
● Doesn’t actually use all the texture memory assigned to it
● Loses detail around the edges (angles closer to 180°)
● Viewpoint dependent (hard to reuse if the camera moves)
● Sampling is a little bit more involved than cube maps
● Linear Interpolation gives slightly incorrect results

Planar Reflections

Mirrors and Water
Direct Reflections from flat surfaces
● We’ve covered arbitrary reflections in many directions
● We could just use our cube map reflections
● But surely it’s simpler than that!
● In some newer cases, yes, realtime ray tracing is definitely used!
● But we’ll also look at a lower complexity technique

Learning From Tricks
Back to the Example
● A mirrored copy of the scene
● Created in entirety with complete geometry
Using the idea
● We’re not doubling up on geometry
● But can we use vector maths
● And framebuffers and render targets
● To “reflect” our viewpoint
Image credit: 3DRealms and Gearbox Software

Framebuffers and Render Targets
We used these to make cube maps
● The plane’s surface is the framebuffer
● The angle of reflection gives us the camera’s view angle
● We can do a second render of the world from the plane’s perspective!
● We can do a single render without a cube map
● This only works because all the reflected vectors are roughly the same

The Mirror Camera Setup
A simple way to implement a reflective plane
● Place a camera at the centre of a mirror
● The mirror’s texture is a render target from that camera
● Sync that camera to the main camera
○ Up vectors are the same
○ LookAt vector is reflected based on the mirror’s surface normal
● Render the scene from the mirror camera
● Render the scene from the main camera, using the new texture on the

The Mirror Camera Setup

Analysis of the Simple Mirror Camera
● Roughly correct
● Second render is faster than six renders for a cube map
● How many mirrors do you have?
○ Every mirror in the scene needs its own setup
● Camera Location/Near Plane issues
● Is this perspective exactly correct?

Camera Location/Near Plane Issues
A top down view of the mirror camera
● Where is the near plane of the camera?
● Is it too far from the mirror?
○ Close objects aren’t rendered
● Is it clipping through the mirror?
○ Might render the back of the mirror
A simple camera at the mirror

Near Plane Correction
Modify the Near Plane?
● What about a camera behind the mirror ○ With a modified near plane
● Modifying the near plane
○ Custom clipping plane
○ Modification of projection matrix
A camera behind the mirror with a modified near plane

Perspective issues
Does this mirror look right under close inspection?
● Under scrutiny, the perspective is strange
● A camera at the mirror
● The main camera is potentially much further away
● Their frustums are not equal!
How do we correct this?
● (this time the answer isn’t ray tracing!)

Perspective Correction
Move the mirror camera
● Let’s upgrade the reflection
● Not just reflect the direction of the main camera
● But reflect its position also!
● Remember the near plane needs to be modified
or replaced by a culling plane at the mirror

Reflection without an extra camera
Can we do this in a single render pass?
● Don’t reflect the camera, reflect the world ○ (There is no spoon)
● Create a “copy” of the scene on the other side of the mirror
● We can use transforms to reflect objects
● Don’t render the mirror (or render it as a
transparent object)

Analysis of “Transform” Reflection
● Single Render pass Cons
● Are your lights reflected also?
○ Are they spilling extra light into your main scene?
● How are you handling lighting on the other side of the mirror? ○ Are your directional lights still in the right direction?
● What’s behind the mirror?
○ If there’s another room there, did you just reflect its objects in front of the mirror?

The rippling lake
Planar Reflections with Normal Maps
● What do we do if the reflective surface isn’t perfectly flat?
● RAY TRACING! (I’m joking, but it’s also true)
● Again, 100% works but is expensive
Without ?
● Simple techniques using normals to offset sampling

Normal Mapping with Planar Reflections
A simple approximation
● Generate the reflection texture for the reflecting plane
● Sample the normal map of the plane first
● Use the direction of the normals to alter the texture coordinates
○ This is calculated estimation, accuracy isn’t perfect
● Sample from a slightly different position in the texture ○ Careful about sampling outside 0.0 – 1.0

Reflecting on Planar Reflections
There’s a reason why mirrors are rare in games
● Generally, the 2nd camera technique saw a lot of use
● Nowadays, being replaced by ray tracing
● A question: “Is that one mirror worth halving your frame rate?”
○ Most games in the era from late 1990s to late 2010s said no

Break Time
● It’s been a while since we gave out any “homework”
● The Abyss (1989) and Terminator 2 (1991)
○ CG in films, particularly reflective liquid ● Half Life 2: The Lost Coast (2005)
Image credit: 20th Century Fox
○ Valve implemented HDR (with bloom and exposure), Cube Map reflections and Refraction ● Grand Theft Auto series (1997 – 2013)
○ Witness the growth of graphics technology over more than a decade
Images credit: Rockstar Games

Cameras and Portals

Cameras and Render Textures
More than just mirrors
● We can place a camera anywhere in our scene
○ And orient it in realtime!
● That camera renders to a texture
● We can map that texture to any object in
our scene!
● This gives us realtime security cameras,
portals and other fun toys
Image credit: Valve

Post Processing

Framebuffers and Render to Texture
This technique has seen a lot of use in the last few years
● At its core:
● Render the scene to a framebuffer (the same size as the screen/window)
● Modify what’s in that buffer
● Write the final result to the main framebuffer
● Since the work is done after the rendering is finished . . .
● . . . this is called “Post Processing”

Simple Post Processing
We can process every pixel in a framebuffer
● Read the colour data
● Write new colour data to the main framebuffer
A simple example: Black and White filter
● Read the RGB values
● Average them
● Write the same value to all three RGBs in the framebuffer

Other Simple Post Processing Effects
What else can we do while manipulating screen colours?
● Night Vision Mode
○ Green tint everything
○ Alter the intensity curve to make things look artificial
● Inverted colours
○ Making some kind of magical opposite effect
● Blood Rage
○ Turn the edges of the screen red, fading into normal colours near the centre
○ This one uses the texture coordinates to determine whether or not something changes

Mixing with other effects
Head up Displays (HUD)
● HUDs are not always done with post processing ○ Often just 2D elements rendered over the scene
● A transparent HUD could be done in post ○ Take a full screen HUD texture
Image credit: Xbox Game Studios
○ Edit the values for numbers, health bars etc
○ Blend the HUD with the frame before writing it to the main framebuffer
● Alpha blend a premade effect over part of the screen
○ Damage markings like cracked glass
○ Elemental spell effects like lightning
Image credit: Gearbox Software

Kernel Effects
More than just changing colours of individual pixels
● A kernel looks at the pixels around each pixel
● Usually impossible in the fragment shader
○ There’s no guarantee other pixels have already been
● Read the values of pixels
● Write to the current pixel based on some combination of the pixels in the kernel

A Simple Kernel Effect
Let’s add a blur post processing effect
● Each pixel samples the 8 adjacent pixels
● The final colours are the sum of the kernel’s
calculation in each of its cells
● eg: 1/16 of the top left, 1⁄4 of the centre
● The total is 1 to ensure that values can’t sum to
more than 1
● The result is each pixel being a blend of all
adjacent pixels
/ 16
Image credit: learnopengl.com

More Complex Kernels
Different shapes!
● A kernel is not limited to the adjacent pixels
● We can sample information from more distant pixels
● And in different specific shapes
● We can do things like adding specific shaped lens flare and bokeh to our
● As well as other effects
Bokeh from a physical camera Image credit: Wikipedia user Ranjithsiji

A complex post processing example
● Bloom is an effect that combines HDR (lecture 13) with post processing
● Mimics a real world effect
● Very bright objects appear larger than they are
● The light “blooms” outwards from the light source (or very bright
● Since this effect spreads light over multiple pixels, it must happen in post

HDR with Bloom
Write to the HDR Framebuffer first
● Write your light values to your floating point HDR framebuffer
● Instead of immediately applying tone mapping to reduce these values to
the 0.0 – 1.0 range
● Create a new framebuffer, we’ll call this the bloom buffer
● Copy only the light values that exceed 1.0 into the bloom buffer

Bloom Images
The scene on the left. The “bloom buffer” on the right Images credit: learnopengl.com

Bleeding Light
Now we apply a blur to the bloom buffer
● We can use the blur we showed earlier
● But there are many possible kernels that
will blur for different effects
● For effective bloom, we might use a
Gaussian Blur
Example Gaussian Blur Kernel Image credit: Wikipedia
Image credit: learnopengl.com

Combine the Effect
To finalise the bloom
● We add the blurred results from the bloom buffer to the HDR framebuffer
● This makes the colour of lights expand beyond their original size
● The final scene will have any bright lights bleeding into nearby pixels
Image credit: learnopengl.com

Other post processing effects
Also sometimes referred to as Screen Space Effects
● Motion Blur
○ Saves buffers from previous frames
○ Blurs between frames, not just between pixels in the current frame
● Ambient Occlusion
○ Uses the depth buffer and surface normal
○ Darkens areas that have other geometry near them and should receive less ambient light
● Anti- Aliasing
○ Not necessarily a post processing effect, but can be implemented that way
○ Reduces jagged edges from angled lines being drawn across square pixels
● Others like Depth of Field, Colour Grading, Chromatic Aberration

What did we learn today?
Planar Reflections
● Details and conundrums of direct reflections
● Trying to calculate them efficiently
● Other uses of the technique like portals
Post Processing
● Altering the colour data after the full frame is rendered
● Using kernels to sample from nearby pixels
● Bloom as an example

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