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SOFT2201/COMP9201 Week 2 Tutorial OO Theory in Java
Inheritance Classes
Classes are a fundamental construct within java, they allow the programmer to aggregate data and functionality under a defined type. This feature isn’t just for reusability and simplicity, we are able to safely read and write to memory by ensuring we adhere to the type system rules and satisfy the constraints enforced by the compiler.
Within Java, all classes inherit from the Object type, providing a definition for toString and equals which can be overridden.
Interfaces and Abstract Classes
Interfaces within java allow the programmer to create a type specifying abstract methods. When we specify that a class implements an interface, it must ensure a method body for each method specified in the interface. However, there are some exceptions, the interface may a defined static method or a default method.
interface Drivable {
public boolean start();
public boolean stop(); public void move();
In the Drivable example, any type that implements this interface must also implement start, stop and move, allowing us to categorise objects of different types under one. Within our applica- tion, types such as Car, Truck and Train can implement the Drivable type.
Similar to an interface, an abstract class can be used to provide a type association with common properties, however within Java, a class is limited to inheriting from just one class where it can implement many interfaces.
• If our application contained a Car, Truck and Train, would we group these classes using an interface or abstract class?

Question 1: Polymorphism
You have been given the following java code, you may assume that the program compiles successfully.
interface Animal { void talk();
public class Zoo {
public static void makeNoise(List animals) { for(Animal a : animals) {
a.talk(); }
public static void outputToString(List objects) { for(Object a : objects) {
public static void addAnimal(List animals, Animal a) { animals.add(a);
} }
• The following classes: Lion, Wolf, Bear and Cat, implement the Animal interface, what method are they required to implement?
• WhenweinvokethemethodmakeNoise,whatobjecttypescanbecontainedwithinparameter animals?
• When we invoke the method outputToString, what object types can be contained within parameter objects?
• Can we call talk for each object in the outputToString method?
• WhenweinvokethemethodaddAnimal,whatobjecttypescanbecontainedwithinparameter
animals and what types can be passed to a?
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Question 2: Mapping out the heirarchy
Given the following code, draw an object graph, noting the inheritance heirarchy with a fellow class member.
public class Cabinet {
public boolean broken; public boolean assembled;
public Cabinet() { broken = false;
assembled = false; }
public abstract class Tool {
public abstract void use(Cabinet c);
public class Hammer extends Tool { public void use(Cabinet c) {
c.broken = true; }
public class Mallet extends Hammer {}
public class Screwdriver extends Tool { public void use(Cabinet c) {
c.assembled = true; }
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SOFT2201/COMP9201 OO Theory in Java
Question 3: Refactoring design
You will be asked through the semester to identify software design issues and refactor them. Not only will this improve your ability to debug problems but will help understand and identify issues within a code base.
As a class, identify issues with the following design
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SOLID is a software design acronym that incorporates five principles to assist with designing flexible, maintainable and robust software. These typically push for application structure to be contain types which can act independently, depend on abstractions and can be easily refactored.
Single Responsibility Principle
A class should be assigned a single responsibility, avoiding a class performing more roles than it should. If you find that you are assigning multiple roles to a class you can break the these roles into separate classes.
Open-closed Principle
Open-Closed principle outlines that an element is open for extension but closed for modification. Extension can be typically inferred as class inheritance but it is also possible to extend a class through composition or traits (interface with default method).
Liskov Substitution Principle
This principle infers that types should be replacable with instances of their subtypes. It asserts that a class should utilise an interface and allow for an instance of that interface to be substituted.
Interface Segregation Principle
Interface segregation asks to break up large interface types. Designing the application to use many client-specific interfaces over large general purpose interface. Each interface should focus on the functionality required instead of a large interface providing methods that some objects may never implement.
Dependency Inversion Principle
Dependency inversion principle places the constraint that a type should never depend on another concrete type. Allow your types to depend on abstractions, the type binding can be updated and substituted when refactoring.
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SOFT2201/COMP9201 OO Theory in Java
Question 4: Rule Violations
Before you move to this question, make sure you understand the meaning of each principle in SOLID on page 5. Feel free to discuss any confusion with your tutor or group members.
We want to be able to identify a design smell, this is typically when a piece of code is considered un- sound or inflexible. Inflexible or restrictive code may require a large refactoring effort if not identified and addressed early. Discuss with the class or with a group where the SOLID principles have been violated with the following application.
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Command-query Separation
Command-query separation principle within imperative and object-oriented programming asks the programmer to design their methods to only perform a command or a query. A command mutates and operates on the data provided or the instance itself. A query will not mutate data but provide an answer when invoked.
Question 5: Refactor the code
Identify methods which violate command-query separation and refactor the code, this may require breaking the code up into different functions.
public class Product {
private String name; private int qty; private int max; private double price;
* Constructs the product, providing name and quantity
* @param name
* @param qty
public Product(String name, int qty, int max, double price) { this.name = name;
this.qty = qty;
this.max = max;
this.price = price; }
public Object process(String request, double value) { if(request.equals(“getqty”) {
return new Integer(qty);
} else if(request.equals(“updateqty”)) {
qty += (int) value;
return null;
} else if(request.equals(“getprice”)) {
return new Double(price);
} else if(request.equals(“updateprice”)) {
price += price;
return null; }
return null; }
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* Returns the name of the product
* @return name
public String getName() { return name;
* Passes the order
* @param o
public void order(Order o, int qty) { o.addProduct(this, qty);
} }
• What kind of issues does the method process create?
• Is it the responsibility of the Product class to perform this kind of logic?
• Refactor the code and separate any logic that does not belong in the Product class
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