程序代写 SQL scheme database Guide to creating your MySQL Submission – cscodehelp代写

Guide to creating your MySQL Submission
For your MySQL submission requires two things
1. A script to create the database scheme (tables, views etc.) without any data
2. Your script that takes the data from ¡®sampledata¡¯ and moves it into your tables
The following details how to generate the database schema SQL file
From the MySQL workbench select Server from the top menu and from the dropdown menu then select Data Export as shown in figure 1
Figure 1: Menu selection for creating the database schema file

This will then give the form in the workbench as in figure 2. Note: You may need to exand the form down to see the ¡®Start Export¡¯ button
Figure 2: Form for exporting database schema
You need to make the following selections
1. In the ¡®Tables to export¡¯ list select ¡®studentdata¡¯ (assuming you worked on this)
2. From the dropdown select ¡®Dump Structure Only¡¯
3. Tick ¡®Dump Stored Procedures and Functions¡¯
4. Check ¡®Export to Self-Contained File is selected
a. You may wish to change the file name (keep the .sql part at the end)
When all this is done press the ¡®Start Export¡¯ button [5] Please note, you will see a warning
¡°mysqldump.exe is version 8.0.21, but the mysql server to be dumped has version 5.6.49 […] some features may not be backed up […]¡±
There is no need to worry about this!
You now need to upload this file [4a] and you SQL script that populates the tables with data from the ¡®sampledata¡¯ table.

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