程序代写 hadoop Using the BigData Hadoop system – cscodehelp代写

Using the BigData Hadoop system
Before you start, you will need to install the X2Go client from https://wiki.x2go.org/
Start you “Ubuntu Hadoop 2” machine. Note: the 1st time you do this you will be asked to change
the password, do this (and remember to keep a copy of the password!).
Once started you will get a the option to connect (the small PC icon in the lower right), clicking on this will show the ‘SSH connection’ parameters, the line will look something like the one below (I have changed a few numbers as otherwise you can access my server )
ssh -p 51304 Copy the text as you will be selecting parts of the line),
Now start up the X2Go client
Click on the ‘Session’ menu option and select ‘ ’
Fill in the following sections
Session Name: Host:
SSH Port Session type
the bit from the line after the @
hduser Note: NOT eeee4115! the number after the ‘-p’ (so 51304 in this case) XFCE
And Press OK

The session will then be displayed on left hand side panel To start a session click the ‘fuzzy creature shape’
Login using the password hadoop1234
The first time you connect you will get a warning that the server is unknown, this is OK – press ‘Yes’ to connect
After a short time you will be logged into your new system (note you may need to select the new application icon that appears in the task bar, shown below
You will see a screen like the one below
The bits you will be using most are along the bottom of the screen

Quick start menu
Minimise Terminal File Firefox Application Home Help Windows Window Browser Finder Menu
The key ones you will be using are the Terminal window, File Browser & Firefox
Time to get going!
Minimise Firefox
Start up a terminal window
Click in this terminal window (to set focus)
We first need to set up some security permissions (I cannot do this in advance as the machines are cloned and the keys change).
In the terminal window, type the following commands ONE AT A TIME (note: they are CASE SENSITIVE) – you may find it easier to cut/paste
Commands you need to type are in courier roman italics Note: two single quotes
rm -rf .ssh
ssh-keygen -t dsa -P ” -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-keygen -t rsa
The lines below are instructions
o Accept the default path presented for the file name
o Press enter when prompted for a passphrase
o Press enter when asked to enter the same passphrase again
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod og-wx ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Checking it worked
Now type
ssh localhost
You will see an output similar to the one shown below
When prompted if you wish to continue connecting, enter Yes
You will then be ‘logged in again’, the screen will look like the one below (last part only shown)
This will take you back to your previous ‘login’
You should now be able to log in without confirming the key, to check this
ssh localhost
{you should see the screen as above but should not have been asked to confirm things}

Time now to learn how to shut the system down
Top right of the screen you will see ‘hduser’, click on this and select ‘Shut Down’
You will be prompted to confirm you are sure – press ‘Shut Down”
You will be prompted to enter the password for eeee4115 (note: NOT hduser )
use the password you selected before when you changed the password)
Press Authenticate
You can close the ‘X’ window (it will eventually time out) and also X2go
Go to the Azure console and shut down the system (it seems not to be good at this!)

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