程序代写 10/14/2021 – cscodehelp代写

1. Respond, using specifics from your Assignment 1 application (i.e., not generalities) to the following.
(i) Starting with Part 4 (“Exploration”) of your agents in Assignment 1, explain … beyond what you provided in the solution you submitted. Be clear and concrete about how and why … compared with what you submitted.
(ii) Describe and discuss … in your project(s) ….

2. Respond, using specifics from your Assignment 2 application (i.e., not generalities) to the following.
(i) Starting with Part 2 (“A Business Problem”) of your Prolog application in Assignment 2, explain … beyond what you provided in the solution you submitted. Be clear and concrete about how and why … compared with what you submitted.
(ii) Describe and discuss … in your project(s) …..

3. Respond, using specifics from your particular project(s) (i.e., not generalities) to the following.
(i) Starting with Part 3 (“A Business Problem”) of your your PDDL application in Assignment 3, explain … beyond what you provided in the solution you submitted. Be clear and concrete about how and why … compared with what you submitted.
(ii) Describe and discuss … in your project(s) ….

4. Respond, using specifics from your particular project(s) (i.e., not generalities) to the following.
(i) Starting with your fuzzy application in Assignment 4, explain … beyond what you provided in the solution you submitted. Be clear and concrete about how and why … compared with what you submitted.
(ii) Describe and discuss … in your project(s) …..

5. Respond, using specifics from your particular project(s) (i.e., not generalities) to the following.
(iii) Starting with parts 4 and 5 of your reinforcement learning answer in Assignment 4, (“4. An Application Described” and “5. The RL Process for Your Application”) explain … beyond what you provided in the solution you submitted. Be clear and concrete about how and why … compared with what you submitted.
(iv) Describe and discuss … in your project(s) ….

Criterion D C B A 
Question 1
No justification of
Technically mostly
correct; tested
correctness well
justified; well specified
and tested
correctness thoroughly
justified throughout by
precise block- and line-
specifications and tests.
Question 1
Somewhat clear; some
Clear with a few
exceptions. Well
Entirely clear throughout;
very well commented at
high and low levels.
Grade for Q1:0.0
B- = 83, B = 85, B+ = 87 etc.
The resulting grade is the average of these, using A+=97, A=95, A-=90, B+=87, B=85, B-=80 etc. The maximum is 100.
To obtain an A grade for the course, your weighted average should be >93. A-:>=90. B+:>=87. B:>83. B-:>=80 etc.

Criterion  D  C  B  A  Letter Grade %
Question 1 Technical Correctness No justification of correctness  Technically mostly correct; tested Implementation correctness well justified; well specified and tested Implementation correctness thoroughly justified throughout by precise block- and line- specifications and tests. 0.0
Question 1 Clarity Unclear  Somewhat clear; some comments  Clear with a few exceptions. Well commented. Entirely clear throughout; very well commented at high and low levels. 0.0
Grade for Q1: 0.0
B- = 83, B = 85, B+ = 87 etc.
The resulting grade is the average of these, using A+=97, A=95, A-=90, B+=87, B=85, B-=80 etc. The maximum is 100.
To obtain an A grade for the course, your weighted average should be >93. A-:>=90. B+:>=87. B:>83. B-:>=80 etc.

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