程序代写代做代考 SQL scheme python javascript database chain Java file system IOS DHCP assembler algorithm Fall 2018 – cscodehelp代写

Fall 2018
CS 161 Computer Security
Final Exam
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• You have 170 minutes. There are 9 questions of varying credit (169 points total). The questions are of varying difficulty, so avoid spending too long on any one question.
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Problem 1 Some Odd(s) Crypto Questions (18 points) For all of the following questions, assume that:
• The block cipher, AES, uses 256-bit keys and operates on 128-bit blocks.
• The symmetric cipher is constructed from AES using proper modes of operations.
• Plaintext blocks Ba and Bb are adjacent, where Ba is the first block to be encrypted. • The ciphertexts of Ba, Bb are Ea, Eb, respectively.
• The IV (when appropriate) and the key K are always securely and randomly chosen. • We assume AES is an ideal, secure cipher.
Hint: Use this space to draw out CTR and CBC modes. This part will not be graded, but should be useful in answering the following questions.
(a) If Ba and Bb are chosen independently at random, and the encryption uses CTR mode, what is the approximate probability that Ea = Eb?
1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
2−64 2−128 2−256
1 − 2−64
(b) If Ba and Bb are chosen independently at random, and the encryption uses CBC mode, what is
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the approximate probability that Ea = Eb?
1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
1 − 2−64
0 (Never)
2−64 2−128 2−256
0 (Never)

(c) If Ba is chosen at random, Bb = Ba, and the encryption uses CTR mode, what is the approximate probability that Ea = Eb?
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1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
2−64 2−128 2−256
(d) If Ba is chosen at random, Bb = Ba, and the encryption uses CBC mode, what is the approximate
probability that Ea = Eb?
1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
0 (Never)
2−64 2−128 2−256
(e) If Ba is chosen independently at random, Bb = Ba, and the encryption uses CTR mode, what is
the approximate probability that the first 64 bits of Ea equal the first 64 bits of Eb?
1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
2−64 2−128 2−256
(f) If Ba and Bb are chosen independently at random, and the encryption uses CTR mode, what is
the approximate probability that Ea and Eb are all 0s?
1 (Always) 1 − 2−256 1 − 2−128
2−64 2−128 2−256
0 (Never)
0 (Never)
0 (Never)

Problem 2 Kiwi Robots: Spec Ops (19 points) In this question we discuss security challenges that Kiwi robots may face.
Description: A Kiwi robot is an autonomous delivery robot. It safekeeps an item inside a container, follows the Kiwi server’s instructions to “walk” to the destination, and opens the container only to the correct recipient.1
Assumptions: A Kiwi robot connects to api.kiwicampus.com to receive commands via TLS, and validates certificates, just as a web browser does. The robots have correctly functioning clocks.
According to some statistics, there were 127 issued certificates for *.kiwicampus.com, 56 of them were still valid at the time we made the exam.
(a) True or False: If an attacker obtains the private key for any one of the 127 certificates, an in-path attacker can send forged signals to a Kiwi robot.
True False
⋄ Why? (10 words max)
(b) True or False: If an attacker obtains the private key for any one of the certificate authorities trusted by the Kiwi robot, an in-path attacker can send forged signals to a Kiwi robot who will accept.
True False
⋄ Why? (10 words max)
(c) The mission of a Kiwi robot is to only open the container for the indicated person. So, the developers of Kiwi intentionally run the KiwiTM Container Lock Management Program in a different process and sandboxes the other subsystem communicating with api.kiwicampus.com with low privileges. This can be implemented in software level and deployed in all Kiwi robots via a system update.
⋄ Which security principle does running the management program in a different process imply? (6 words max)
1They also seem to act as tripping hazards around campus.
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(d) An engineer worries that the robot may violate the “Three Laws of Robotics” and attacks humans. The engineer suggests that we can add a secret termination command to the robot: If someone speaks “cryptocurrency” proudly and sentimentally near a Kiwi robot, the robot will instantly turn itself off. The engineer assumes that only a few employees know this command. 2
We now ask two questions.
⋄ Is accidental turning off when not supposed to a false positive or a false negative? (No explanation needed)
A false positive. A false negative.
⋄ It’s hard to assume that the termination command remains secret – someone may accidentally or intentionally find it out. What security principle does this discussion imply?
(Phrases or short sentences, 10 words max)
(e) Every Kiwi order is assigned to a customer service specialist (a real human) who monitors its processing. Assume this specialist uses a browser to review an order, and the page displays the recipient’s name, address, and additional request (e.g., no chicken breast, no arugula)3.
A user writes the following in the additional request:

However, the order cannot be submitted. A window pops up saying “Server Internal Error (500)”. One possibility is that XSS protection blocks this order.
⋄ Please write down the full phrase of the acronym XSS. (Six words max)
⋄ What type of XSS would this be? (one word)
2Besides the enormous possibility of students unintentionally chatting about “cryptocurrency” nearby and accidentally turning off a robot, this design can lead to bullying Kiwi robots by playing some cryptocurrency hymn near it.
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(f) Imagine Kiwi robots take the bus.4 There is special Bluetooth communication channel between the bus and the robot:
• Robots can send three types of signals:
1. Confirmation that this robot has a Kiwi-specific AC Transit monthly pass. 2. Stop request.
3. “Open the Backdoor, please!”5
• A bus can send two types of signals:
1. “The next station is XXXXX.”
Remark: The robot solely relies on this information to decide whether to disembark (get off the bus).
2. “Door open.”
The communication is unencrypted, but authenticated via signatures. Assume the robot knows a bus’s (public) signature verifying key VKLine52, and the bus has the (private) signing key SKLine52. A station notification message has the following format:
“The next station is XXXXX.” ∥ SignSKLine52 (“The next station is XXXXX.”).
where ∥ means string concatenation, SignSK(·) is the signing algorithm of a secure signature scheme,
and XXXXX will be the station name.
⋄ What is one attack this system is vulnerable to? (5 words max)
(g) I have tried to pry open a Kiwi Bot. I plead the 5th.6
4Staring January 1, 2019, a local AC Transit monthly pass is only $84.60, and one transbay monthly pass is $198.00.
6This means you invoke your legal right to remain silent to avoid the possibility of self incrimination as implied by the 5th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
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Problem 3 A to Z / Spell With Me / Potpourri (58 points) Write your answers in the given boxes. We will not grade outside of the box.
(a) (2 points) An AES key of size 256 bits is considered secure, while an RSA key of the same length is not secure. This is because the best-known attacks on AES are not much better than trying all possible keys (i.e., (1) ), while the best-known attacks on RSA rely on (2) .
(b) (2 points) Even though PGP encrypts message data, in the default configuration it does not protect
(1) , such as who the intended receiver of the message is.
(c) (2 points) In order to change the DNSSEC Key Signing Key of a nameserver, we must change the corresponding (1) record in the parent nameserver.
(d) (2 points) If a DNSSEC domain has N valid subdomains and we wish to use NSEC, we must sign Θ( (1) ) NSEC records. If a DNSSEC domain has N valid subdomains and we wish to use NSEC3, we must sign Θ( (2) ) NSEC3 records.
(e) (3 points) Consider a modification to NSEC3. When queried for a domain X which does not exist, sign the statement “There are no domains between H(X) − 1 and H(X) + 1”. We would expect this to prevent (1) but it requires (2) .
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(f) (2 points) Tor is not secure against a global passive eavesdropper because such an adversary can perform (1) .
(g) (2 points) Using a/an (1) allows us to create many long keys from a small seed. For Argon2 and PBKDF2, a big advantage is that these are (2) than using a pseudorandom number generator for the same purpose.
(h) (2 points) When using Tor with HTTP, a Tor (1) of the client, and therefore can perform a/an (2)
knows the original, unencrypted request attack.
(i) (2 points) Consider the following method of proving document ownership at a certain time without revealing the content of the document. You compute a/an (1) of your document. You then put this on the Bitcoin blockchain by creating a trivially small transaction including the computed value. After some time, you are ensured that proof of your ownership is immutably stored, without relying on centralized trust.
(j) (2 points) TLS provides protection against replay attacks by using (1) .
(k) (3 points) Recall the setting presented in lecture where a blackhat attacker wishes to prove to a journalist that they have records from a data leak without revealing all the records. We present a new method for this. The attacker has records X1, . . . , XN , and sends a hash of each record hi = H(Xi) to the journalist. The attacker also tells the journalist the record format. The journalist chooses a random subset of M ≪ N hashes and asks the attacker to send the corresponding records. If we want to be 99% sure that the attacker has not exaggerated the size of the dataset by a factor of 10 or more, we should ask for M = (1) hashes. (Answer an expression, possibly involving N. Approximation preferred.)
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(l) (2 points) Consider two detectors A and B. Detector A has a false positive rate of 10%, and a false negative rate of 5%. Detector B has a false positive rate of 2%, and a false negative rate of 4%. We compose these detectors to make a new detector C, which triggers if either A or B triggers. The false positive rate of C is between (1) and (2) . (For credit, your bounds must be tight.)
(m) (2 points) Using (1) is a cheap and easy way to integrate intrusion detection with most webservers, as they typically already support outputting the necessary data because they already record every request. The main disadvantage is that we only detect (2) .
(n) (3 points) Both ARP and DHCP spoofing are most effective for attackers who want to give wrong information about the (1) when the attacker is on the same local network as the victim, since this system relays the user’s traffic to the Internet. In ARP spoofing, the attacker substitutes a real reply with the attacker’s (2) address. In DHCP spoofing, the attacker substitutes a real reply with the attacker’s (3) address.
(o) (3 points) Spoofing packets for TCP to establish a connection as an off path attacker is harder than
for UDP. This is because spoofing for UDP only requires knowledge of (1) and (2)
for the server. However, spoofing for TCP requires knowledge of (3) for the server as well.
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(p) (2 points) A hash function h is (1) if it is infeasible for an attacker to find two different messages x and x′ such that h(x) = h(x′). A hash function h is (2) if it is infeasible for an attacker given x to find a different message x′ such that h(x) = h(x′).
(q) (3 points) Consider a MAC tag on a message using a key. If our MAC is unforgeable, it is hard to find another (1) when using the same (2) such that the (3) is the same.
(r) (2 points) If we reuse an IV in CBC mode for two different messages, we leak which plaintext blocks are the (1) until the (2) block, after which all the remaining blocks (3) .
(s) (2 points) Good PRNGs have the option to add (1) by using the Reseed function, which should be mixed with the PRNG’s internal (2) .
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(t) (2 points) If we modify the (1) to have a backdoor which inserts a backdoor when (2) the login program and also when (3) the (4) , we’d have an awful time “trusting trust”…
(u) (2 points) Using a/an (1) to connect to the Internet means you do not have to worry about your ISP snooping on your traffic. However you must now trust whoever you purchased it from to not snoop on traffic.
(v) (3 points) Using (1) will usually make our program exit before returning from a function where a buffer overflow overwrites the return address. However it doesn’t help us with (2) buffer overflows, since those are not on the stack. It also doesn’t help with buffer overflows which only overwrite (3) but don’t overwrite the return address.
(w) (2 points) A naive implementation of RSA decryption would probably leak bits of the secret key due to (1) . This is why one should (2) , until you can do a proper interpretive dance on the subject…
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(x) (2 points) Mozilla Firefox adds a small time delay before the “OK” button is available on a down- load confirmation box. This is intended to prevent attacks where the user means to click on some- thing else, but since a download confirmation box shows up at the same time, the user accidentally downloads malware onto their computer. This attack is most similar to the web attack (1) , which also relies on unintentional user actions.
(y) (2 points) Antivirus companies often use signature-based detectors to catch viruses, but virus cre- ators can evade these detectors by writing viruses that avoid having fixed signatures (i.e., writing
(1) viruses).
(z) (2 points) One way to protect against SQL injection is to filter anything containing potentially bad characters, like “, , ’, …, and to allow anything which does not contain these bad characters. However, this approach, called (1) , is very error-prone. A more careful approach is
(2) , which only allows certain inputs and blocks everything else.
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Problem 4 TLS Things (12 points) You know the drill: consider the following modifications to TLS.
(a) Consider the following modification to Diffie- LS. Rather than calculating the premaster secret as gab mod p, the client and server calculate it as (gab)RbRs mod p where Rb and Rs are the random nonces sent in ClientHello and ServerHello respectively. True or False: The resulting scheme preserves the confidentiality of TLS.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(b) Consider the following modification to RSA TLS. Rather than sending {PS}Kserver , the client sends {PS ⊕ Rb}Kserver . The value PS ⊕ Rb is used as the premaster secret to compute symmetric keys. True or False: The resulting scheme preserves the confidentiality of TLS.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(c) Consider the following modifications to Diffie- LS. As usual, the client sends its value of Rb and the server answers with Rs. Later in the handshake, the server now replies with g, p, gb mod p and with a signature on g, p, gb mod p, Rs and Rb concatenated together. The client verifies the signature and checks that it matches earlier messages. The client and server no longer use Rs or Rb to compute keys, just gab mod p. True or False: The resulting scheme preserves the security of Diffie- LS against replay attacks.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(d) Consider the following modifications to Diffie- LS. Both the client and the server stop generating their secret values a and b randomly. Instead, all parties will just increment a stored secret value by 1 for each new connection they make. True or False: The resulting scheme preserves the forward secrecy of the Diffie- .
True False
Explain (be concise):
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Problem 5 Alice in Wormland (12 points) In an alternate reality, Carol is our average citizen, Alice is leading a foreign country’s national security team, and Bob is responsible for servers suspected to be aiding in illegal drug trafficking. The foreign country’s national policy is “guilty until proven innocent”, so they put Alice in charge of designing a worm to target Bob’s servers in order to monitor and disrupt these activities.
(a) True or False: Even if Bob’s servers do not connect to the internet, Alice can design a worm to infiltrate Bob’s servers.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(b) True or False: If Bob’s servers are connected to the Internet and using a NIDS or a firewall to block port scanning by blocking individual IPs after that IP generates 5 failed TCP connections, Alice’s worm can still use port scanning to find the extent of Bob’s network.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(c) True or False: It is feasible for Alice’s worm to avoid spreading to Carol’s servers, which are identical to Bob’s computers.
True False
Explain (be concise):
(d) True or False: It is feasible for Bob, Carol, Dave, and others to rely on human mediated defenses to block worms.
True False
Explain (be concise):
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Problem 6 Some Keys to iOS Security (12 points)
As mentioned, Apple’s iOS is largely designed as a fortress. Every file is encrypted with a random file key. That key is stored in the file Metadata record after being encrypted by the class key, which specifies the file access class (e.g ̇‘‘belongs to user”, “system data”, etc). The entire Metadata record is then encrypted with the File System key. Each class key is encrypted with either the hardware key or the passcode key, depending on if the data should be accessible to the system at startup or only after the user has input their passcode. The file system key is encrypted with the hardware key and stored in a single location, and the hardware key is built into the CPU itself and can only be used to encrypt or decrypt data.7
Additionally, the hardware key is a randomly generated key, and the passcode key is PBKDF2(hardware-secret || passcode), tuned to take roughly 100ms, with the hardware secret also a randomly generated 256b value.
So, in short, we have Kh (the hardware key), Kp (the passcode key), Kfs (the filesystem key), a few Kclass keys for different data classes, and per file keys Kfile. All keys are randomly generated except for Kp. All keys are 256b AES keys.
(a) If the user changes their passcode, what key(s) need to be reencrypted?
(b) If we need to nuke8 the entire device, rendering all contents unrecoverable, what are the minimum non-hardware secrets that we should erase to accomplish this?
(c) Assume an attacker can compromise the phone completely without the passcode, reading the raw (encrypted) storage and they can read the hardware secret and hardware key. True or False: Assuming PBKDF2 is correctly tuned as stated, the maximum number of passwords they can try per second is 10.
True False
(d) One tool (“GrayKey”) enables law enforcement to exploit a phone through a USB connection9 and then implement an on-line brute force attack. If a user has a 6 digit random passcode, how many seconds is it expected (on average) to take to break the user’s passcode?
7If this looks more than a little similar to Nick’s solution to project 2, well, that isn’t a coincidence. 8Slang for completely erasing all content.
9This is why the current iOS now locks the USB after 30 minutes of inactivity.
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Problem 7 Attacks and Defenses (16 points) has prepared a malicious program which pretends to just greet the user, but secretly runs an evil script “./evil.sh” by calling the C library function system:
1 #include
2 #include
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
void exploit () { char name[8]; gets (name) ;
printf (”Hello , %s !
” , name) ;
system(”./ evil . sh”) ;
int main() { exploit () ;
Dump of assembler code for function exploit:
0x00400620 <+0>:
0x00400621 <+1>:
0x00400623 <+3>:
0x00400626 <+6>:
0x00400629 <+9>:
0x0040062c <+12>: push %eax
push %ebp
mov %esp,%ebp sub $0x18,%esp sub $0xc,%esp
lea −0x10(%ebp),%eax
0x0040062d <+13>: 0x00400632 <+18>: 0x00400635 <+21>: 0x00400638 <+24>: 0x0040063b <+27>: 0x0040063c <+28>:
push %eax
push $0x400700
0xb7e63fb0 < IO gets> $0x10,%esp
0x00400641 <+33>: call 0x00400646 <+38>: add 0x00400649 <+41>: sub 0x0040064c <+44>: push 0x00400651 <+49>: call 0x00400656 <+54>: add
0xb7e4e940 < printf> $0x10,%esp
0xb7e3fb40 < libc system> $0x10,%esp
0x00400659 <+57>: nop 0x0040065a <+58>: leave 0x0040065b <+59>: ret
is confident that Neo will never be able to pwn this program because he has enabled what he believes to be the ultimate defensive technique: data execution prevention/executable space protec- tion/NX bit.
As a result, Neo’s first attempt at pwning the program actually failed. Neo quickly identified the position of the saved return address, but his attack was subverted by the NX bit protection.
However, Neo used his impressive hacker skills to find a magical string in the program itself and construct an exploit that actually works. His exploit uses the following python string:
“x90” * k + “x40xfbxe3xb7” + “x90” * 4 + “x13x07x40” + “
”, for a suitable value of k.
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(a) What should be the value of k for the exploit to work?
(b) What command gets executed as a result of the exploit?
Command (1 line of code):
(c) List two mitigations that would prevent Neo from pwning the program (without fixing the vulnerable C source code or writing the code in a type-safe language).
Mitigation 1 (5 words max):
Mitigation 2 (5 words max):
(d) True or False: The exploit still works if the bytes ’x90’ in the attack string are replaced by other random values (different from ’
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Problem 8 Network Security (10 points) Answer the following questions on network security.
(a) Security incidents are inevitable. What is something you can make sure are recorded before an incident occurs that will help you recover afterwards? (Short answer)
(b) You start working as a security expert at GoodCorp, a company with a variety of hardware and software connected to the Internet via a single company network. What tool could you use to detect attacks in real-time on the network? (Short answer)
(c) Unfortunately, GoodCorp’s budget is low and you are the only person on the security team despite a connection rate of 10M connections per day. However, you build a tool that generates alerts, which you then manually inspect to confirm an attack. The tool has a detection rate of 99% and a false positive rate of 1%. Will your tool help you prevent attacks in practice?
Yes No Explain (be concise):
(d) You decide to take a vacation and find yourself inside the Great Firewall of China (a network monitoring system China uses to perform censorship). The Great Firewall attempts to close TCP connections to servers hosting restricted content using injected TCP Reset packets.
Can TLS prevent this censorship?
Yes No
(e) You visit your personal website via HTTPS and notice the CA has changed from the one you con- figured, but the page loads with no errors! How is this possible? (You are not using a CDN/mirror, and your computer/browser has not been compromised.)
(f) How could you mitigate the attack in part (e)?
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Problem 9 Smoke Air Every Day (12 points) 10 is hitting refresh on the CAAQMD’s11 website, http://www.CAAQMD.gov, hoping the AQI12 stays under 200. As it approaches 199, she decides to take action.
(a) uses her CS 161 skills and hits inspect element. She sees
1 2 3 4


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