程序代写代做代考 python interpreter CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – cscodehelp代写

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Spring 2017
Test 2 (revised)
• You have 2 hours to complete the exam.
• The exam is open book, open notes, closed computer, closed calculator.
• Mark your answers on the exam itself. We will not grade answers written on scratch paper.
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Reference Material.
# Linked Lists
class Link:
“””A linked list cell.
>>> L = Link(0, Link(1))
>>> L.first
>>> L.rest
>>> L.first = 2
>>> L
Link(2, Link(1))
>>> L.rest = Link.empty
>>> L
empty = ()
def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link)
self.first = first
self.rest = rest
def __repr__(self):
if self.rest is Link.empty:
return “Link({})”.format(self.first)
return “Link({}, {})”.format(self.first, self.rest)
# Trees
class Tree:
“””A tree node.”””
def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
for c in branches:
assert isinstance(c, Tree)
self.label = label
self.branches = branches
def is_leaf(self):
return not self.branches

Name: 3 1. (12 points) Pointers (At least one of these is out of Scope: Environment Diagram, Linked Lists)
In the following problems, single boxes are variables that contain pointers, and double boxes are Links (see the definition of Link on page ??). To show that a box contains a pointer to the empty list, draw the box like this:
In parts (a) and (b), add arrows and values to the object skeletons on the right to show the final state of the program. Not all boxes will be used. (For examples of what kinds of box and pointer diagrams we’re looking for, you might look at parts (c) and (d) first.)
(a) (3 pt)
listy = Link(0, Link(1))
def nest(L):
if L is Link.empty:
return L
N = nest(L.rest)
L.first = Link(L.first, N)
return L.first
linky = nest(listy)
(b) (3 pt)
v = Link(0, Link(1, Link(2)))
e = v.rest.rest
e.rest = v.rest v: v.rest.rest = v
v.rest = Link.empty

(c) (3 pt) Show Python code that will produce the situation shown in the diagram. (An arrow pointing to a Link
may be shown as pointing anywhere on the double box for that Link.) v:
v = Link(_________________________________________________________________)
v.________________________ = ______________________________________________
v.________________________ = ______________________________________________
(d) (3 pt) Show Python code that converts the situation shown above the line into that shown below the line. Assume n is even.
v: 1 2 3 4 …n-1 n w: …
v: 1 2 3 4 …n-1 n
def split2(L):
“””Assuming that linked list L has even length, breaks L into
two-element linked lists, and returns a linked list of those lists.”””
if ___________________________:
return ________________________
result = Link(L, _________________________________________________)
______________________________ = Link.empty
return result
w = split2(v)

Name: 5 2. (6 points) Complexity (All are in Scope: Growth)
(a) (1.5 pt) Indicate which of the following assertions are true by circling the letters for those statements. An assertion such as Θ(f(n)) ⊆ Θ(g(n)) means “any function that is in Θ(f(n)) is also in Θ(g(n)),” and Θ(f(n)) = Θ(g(n)) if and only if Θ(f(n)) ⊆ Θ(g(n)) and Θ(g(n)) ⊆ Θ(f(n)).
A. If f(n) ∈ Θ(1) and g(n) ∈ Θ(1), then Θ(|f(n)| + |g(n)|) ∈ Θ(1).
B. If Θ(f(n)) = Θ(g(n)), and g(n) > 0 everywhere, then f(n)/g(n) ∈ Θ(1). C. Θ(x2) ⊆ Θ(x3).
D. Θ(2x) ⊆ Θ(2x + x2).
E. If f(n) ∈ Θ(1000 · x3), then f(20) > 800.
(b) (1.5 pt) Consider the function
def num_kinks(L): c=0
while i < len(L): j=i while j < len(L): while j < len(L): if kink(L[i], L[j]): c += 1 break j += 1 j += 1 i += 1 return c Circle the order of growth that best describes the worst-case execution time (measured by the number of calls to kink) of a call to num_kinks as a function of N, the length of L. A. Θ(logN) B. Θ(N) C. Θ(N2) D. Θ(N3) E. Θ(2N) 6 (c) (1.5 pt) Consider the following function on Trees def count_subtrees(T, p): if p(T.label): return 1 else: return sum([count_subtrees(child, p) for child in T.branches]) Assuming that the maximum number of children of any node is 3, circle the order of growth that best describes the worst-case execution time (measured by the number of calls to p) of a call to count_subtrees as a function of N, the number of nodes in T. A. Θ(logN) B. Θ(N) C. Θ(N2) D. Θ(N3) E. Θ(3N) (d) (1.5 pt) For the same function as in part (c) above, and again assuming that the maximum number of children of any node is 3, circle the order of growth that best describes the worst-case execution time (measured by the number of calls to p) of a call to count_subtrees as a function of H, the height of T. A. Θ(logH) B. Θ(H) C. Θ(H2) D. Θ(H3) E. Θ(3H). 3. (1 points) From the Sum of Human Knowledge This Renaissance composer, famous for his harmonically innovative madrigals, was also infamous for murdering his wife and her lover and thereafter having himself beaten regularly by one of his servants. Who was he? Name: 7 4. (8 points) OOPs!(At least one of these is out of Scope: Environment Diagram, Objects) For each of the expressions in the table below, write the output displayed by the interactive Python interpreter when the expression is evaluated. The output may have multiple lines. If an error occurs, write “ERROR”. No answer requires more than 3 lines. (It’s possible that all of them require even fewer.) class Thing: id = 0 def fidget(self, n): print(n, "A", self.id) def fuss(self, x, n): print(n, "B") self.fidget(n) x.fidget(n) def twitch(self, n): self.waffle(n) class Gadget(Thing): id = 1 class Whatsit(Gadget): def fidget(self, n): print(n, "D", self.id) def waffle(self, n): print(n, "D") def fiddle(self, x, n): x.waffle(n) t1 = Thing() t2 = Gadget() t3 = Whatsit() t4 = Whatsit() t3.id = 2 Expression Interactive Output t3.fidget(1) t4.fidget(2) t4.fuss(t1, 3) t4.fiddle(t4, 4) t4.fiddle(t1, 5) Thing.id = 3 t1.fidget(6) 8 5. (8 points) Inflections (All are in Scope: OOP, Lists, Iterators and Generators) Fill in the definition of class Wrinkles to conform to its doc comment. You need not use all the lines shown. class Wrinkles: """An object that contains a sequence of items and a predicate (true/false function) and that, when iterated over, produces adjacent pairs of items in the sequence that satisfy the predicate. >>> w = Wrinkles([1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 8, 5, 4], lambda x, y: x > y)
>>> for p in w:
… print(p)
(3, 2)
(8, 5)
(5, 4)
def __init__(self, L, wrinkle):
self._L = L
self._wrinkle = wrinkle

Name: 9 6. (8 points) Tree Paths (All are in Scope: Trees, Nonlocal)
Given a tree, t, find the length of the longest downward sequence of node labels in the tree that are increasing consecutive integers. For example, in this tree, the longest such sequence has three labels (1, 2, 3):
As illustrated, the longest sequence can start and end anywhere in the tree, not just the root. (Hint: don’t forget there’s a max function.) [The original skeleton was flawed. The original skeleton appears here, and a revised skeleton on the next page.]
def longest_seq(t):
“””The length of the longest downward sequence of nodes in T whose
labels are consecutive integers.
>>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2), Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(3, [Tree(0)])])])])
>>> longest_seq(t) # 1 -> 2 -> 3
>>> t = Tree(1)
>>> longest_seq(t)
if ____________________________________________________________:
return ____________________________________________________
max_len = _____________________________________________________
for ___________________________________________________________:
if ________________________________________________________:
return max_len

Here is the corrected skeleton.
def longest_seq(t):
“””The length of the longest downward sequence of nodes in T whose
labels are consecutive integers.
>>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2), Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(3, [Tree(0)])])])])
>>> longest_seq(t) # 1 -> 2 -> 3
>>> t = Tree(1)
>>> longest_seq(t)
max_len = 1
def longest(t):
“””Returns longest downward sequence of nodes starting at T whose
labels are consecutive integers. Updates max_len to that length,
if greater.”””
if _____________________________________________________________:
for ________________________________________________________
if _____________________________________________________
n = ________________________________________________
max_len = __________________________________________________
return n
return max_len

Name: 11 This page deliberately blank.

7. (8 points) Grafting (All are in Scope: Trees, Lists, Iterators and Generators)
We want to insert (“graft”) branches from a sequence of trees onto a tree in places where a non-leaf node has
fewer than K branches, where K is a parameter. For example, given the list of four trees G created by G = [ Tree(2, [Tree(0), Tree(1)]), Tree(3), Tree(4), Tree(5) ]
and the tree T1 shown below, we want T2 = graft(T1, G, 3) to destructively (and without creating any new tree nodes) turn T1 into the tree T2:
T1: A
0 1J34
The list of trees (G in the example above) will always have enough items to fill all necessary places. Trees are inserted in postorder (that is, bottom to top, left to right).

Name: 13 Fill in the graft function here. You need not use all the lines.
def graft(T, L, k):
“””Returns the tree created by destructively adding trees from L to
non-leaf nodes of T with fewer than K branches. Assume that L has enough
items to fill all necessary places. Fill in trees in postorder (bottom to
top, left to right).”””
grafts = iter(L) # Don’t have to use this, but it may be useful.
def do_grafts(tr):
if __________________________________________________________________:
for _____________________________________________________________:
while ____________________________ < ____________________________: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ do_grafts(T) return T

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