程序代写代做代考 Math 215.01, Spring Term 1, 2021 Problem Set #6

Math 215.01, Spring Term 1, 2021 Problem Set #6
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1. Recall that P is the vector space of all polynomial functions f:R!R. LetWbethesubsetofPconsistingof those polynomials that have a nonnegative constant term (i.e. the constant term of each polynomial is greater than or equal to 0). Is W a subspace of P? Either prove or give a speci􏰁c counterexample.
De􏰁nition 4.1.12: Let V be a vector space. A subspace of V is a subset W 􏰇 V with the following properties:
1.~0 2 W .
2. For all w~1; w~2 2 W , we have w~1 + w~2 2 W .
3. For all w~ 2 W and all m 2 R, we have m 􏰄 w~ 2 W .
Let W be the subset of P consisting of those polynomials that have a nonnegative constant term. Let g(x) = x2 + x+1foranyx2R. SincePisthevectorspaceofall polynomial functions f : R ! R, we have g(x) 2 P. Since g(x) has a nonnegative constant term, we have g(x) 2 W. Let’s 􏰁x c 2 R with c = 􏰃1. Notice that after multiplying g(x) by c, we have c􏰄g(x) = 􏰃1􏰄(x2+x+1) =

(􏰃1􏰄x2)+(􏰃1􏰄x)+(􏰃1􏰄1) = (􏰃x2)+(􏰃x)+(􏰃1). Since c􏰄g(x) contains negative constant term 􏰃1, we know c􏰄g(x)62W. Sincec2Randc􏰄g(x)62W,weknowW is not closed under scalar multiplication which indicates W is not a subspace of P.

2. Let V = R4. Write down, but do not solve, a system of four equations in three unknowns such that
1 2 6 0 7 2 Span􏰃5; 1 ;3
0  1  􏰃8 3 6 423
if and only if the system has a solution.
2x + 6y = 1
􏰃 5x + y + 3z = 7 x 􏰃 8y + 3z = 0 4x + 2y + 3z = 6

3. Let V be the vector space of all 2 􏰅 2 matrices. Show that
􏰃2 7 1 1
 = a   + b 
3 0
 .
5 􏰃4
􏰈􏰃2 7􏰉 􏰃1 􏰃9
2 Span
􏰈􏰈1 1􏰉􏰈3 0􏰉􏰉 ; :
    
􏰃27 1130
     Since   2 Span ; , we
􏰃1 􏰃9 2 􏰃3
can 􏰁x a; b 2 R such that
5 􏰃4
􏰃1 􏰃9 2 􏰃3
After linear combination, we have
a+3ba 􏰃27
  =   .
2a+5b 􏰃3a􏰃4b 􏰃1 􏰃9 Then we have a system of equations:
a + 3b = 􏰃2
2a + 5b = 􏰃1
􏰃3a 􏰃 4b = 􏰃9.
2 􏰃3
5 􏰃4
After solving the system of equations, we have a = 7 and
􏰃27 11 30
 b=􏰃3. Since =7 +(􏰃3) ,
􏰃1 􏰃9 2 􏰃3 5 􏰃4
    
􏰃27 1130
we have shown   2 Span  􏰃1 􏰃9
2 􏰃3
 ;   : 5 􏰃4

4. LetF bethesetofallfunctionsf :R!R. Recallthat a function f : R ! R is called even if f (􏰃x) = f (x) for all x 2 R. Let W be the set of all even functions, i.e.
W = ff 2 F : f (􏰃x) = f (x) for all x 2 Rg:
Is W a subspace of F? Either prove or give a speci􏰁c counterexample.
De􏰁nition 4.1.12: Let V be a vector space. A subspace of V is a subset W 􏰇 V with the following properties:
1.~0 2 W .
2. For all w~1; w~2 2 W , we have w~1 + w~2 2 W .
3. For all w~ 2 W and all m 2 R, we have m 􏰄 w~ 2 W .
De􏰁nition of function addition: Suppose that f : R ! R and k : R ! R are functions. Then (f +k)(a) = f(a)+ k(a) for all a 2 R.
De􏰁nition of scalar multiplication with function: Suppose that q : R ! R is a function and let m 2 R be arbitrary. The function m[q] is de􏰁ned by m[q](n) = m 􏰄 (q(n)) for all n 2 R.

LetF bethesetofallfunctionsf :R!R. LetW bethe set of all even functions. Let ^0 : R ! R be a zero vecotr functionsuchthat^0(x)=0forallx 2R. Sincex 2Rand 􏰃x 2 R, we have ^0(x) = 0 and ^0(􏰃x) = 0. Therefore we have shown ^0 is an even function which indicates ^0 2 W . Thus, we have shown W is not empty. Let function j 2 W and function g 2 W be arbitrary. According to de􏰁nition of function addition, we know (g+j)(x) = g(x)+j(x) and (g+j)(􏰃x) = g(􏰃x)+j(􏰃x) for all x 2 R. Since function g 2 W and function j 2 W, we have g(x) = g(􏰃x) and j(x) = j(􏰃x) for all x 2 R. Since g(x) = g(􏰃x) and j(x) = j(􏰃x), we have g(x)+j(x) = g(􏰃x)+j(􏰃x) which indicates (g + j)(x) = (g + j)(􏰃x). Therefore, we have shownfunction(g+j)2W. Sinceg2W andj2W are arbitrary, we have shown W is closed under vector addition. Let c 2 R be arbitrary. Let function h 2 W be arbitrary. Since function h 2 W, we know h(x) = h(􏰃x) for all x 2 R. According to de􏰁nition of scalar multiplication with function, we have c[h](x) = c 􏰄 (h(x)) and c[h](􏰃x) = c 􏰄(h(􏰃x)) for all x 2 R. Since h(x) = h(􏰃x), we

know c 􏰄 (h(x)) = c 􏰄 (h(􏰃x)) which indicates c[h](x) = c[h](􏰃x). Therefore, we have shown function c[h] 2 W. Since h 2 W is arbitrary and c 2 R is arbitrary, we can conclude W is closed under scalar multiplication. Since W satis􏰁es all three properties in de􏰁nition 4.1.12, we can conclude W is a subspace of F

5. Use Gaussian Elimination to solve the following system:
x 􏰃z=0 3x + y = 1 􏰃x + y + z = 4:
Matrix of this linear system:
By R1 $ R3, we have
1 0 􏰃1 0
 3 1 0 1. 
􏰃1 1 1 4
1 0 􏰃1 0 􏰃1 1 1 4
3 1 0 1=3 1 0 1. 
􏰃1 1 1 4 1 0 􏰃1 0 By replacing R2 with 3R1 + R2, we have
􏰃1 1 1 4 􏰃1 1 1 4
3 1 0 1=0 4 3 13. 
1 0 􏰃1 0 1 0 􏰃1 0 By replacing R3 with R1 + R3, we have
􏰃1 1 1 4 􏰃1 1 1 4
0 4 3 13=0 4 3 13. 
1 0 􏰃1 0 0 1 0 4 By R2 $ R3, we have
􏰃1 1 1 4 􏰃1 1 1 4
0 4 3 13=0 1 0 4. 
0 1 0 4 0 4 3 13

By replacing R3 with 􏰃4R2 + R3, we have
􏰃1 1 1 4 􏰃1 1 1 4
0 1 0 4=0 1 0 4. 
0 4 3 13 0 0 3 􏰃3 By replacing R1 with R1 􏰃 R2, we have
􏰃1 1 1 4 􏰃1 0 1 0
0 1 0 4=0 1 0 4. 
0 0 3 􏰃3 0 0 3 􏰃3
By replacing R1 with R1 􏰃 R3 , we have
􏰃1 0 1 0 􏰃1 0 0 1
0 1 0 4=0 1 0 4. 
0 0 3 􏰃3 0 0 3 􏰃3 By replacing R1 with R1 􏰄 (􏰃1), we have
􏰃1 0 0 1 1 0 0 􏰃1
0 1 0 4=0 1 0 4. 
0 0 3 􏰃3 0 0 3 􏰃3
By replacing R3 with R3 􏰄 , we have
1 0 0 􏰃1 1 0 0 􏰃1
0 1 0 4=0 1 0 4. 
0 0 3 􏰃3 0 0 1 􏰃1
Then we have following solution: x = 􏰃1; y = 4; z = 􏰃1.

The solution set is
 4 .  

6. Give a parametric description of the solution set of the following system:
x + 2y 􏰃 z = 3 2x + y + w = 4 x 􏰃 y + z + w = 1:
1 2 􏰃103 Matrix of this linear system:2 1 0 1 4
1 􏰃1 1 1 1
101 2 5
333 212
Reduced echelon form: 0 1 􏰃3 􏰃3 3 00000
Now we have a system with the same solution set as the
orginal system:
125 x+z+w=
212 y􏰃z􏰃w=.
512 221 Thenwehavex= 􏰃 z􏰃 wandy= + z+ w.Let
333 333 t;s 2 R be arbitrary with
512 x=􏰃t􏰃s
221 y=+t+s
333 z=t
w = s.
5 􏰃1 􏰃2
333 221
S=f03+t􏰄13 +s􏰄03 :t;s2Rg 

7. Comment on working with partner(s): We completed the problem set individually and checked our work together. Although we took di􏰀erent approaches to prove or solve these problems, we had the similar results in the end. We discussed why we have di􏰀erent forms of parametric de- cription of the solution set for problem 6. In the end, We conclude our works are mostly valid.

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