程序代写代做代考 MAT332 – cscodehelp代写

Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Lecture 3
University of Toronto Mississauga
September 16, 2021
MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021
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Find out a fundamental set of solution for the following system 􏰥1 0􏰦
x ̇=Ax,A= 0 0 (1)
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Learning Objective
For today’s lecture, students are expected to:
Make the phase portrait for 1D linear system;
Make the phase portrait for 2D linear system;
Understand the notion of stable space and unstable space; Introduce the notation of the matrix exponential (If time permits)
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Linear System in 1D: Simple yet Essential
Solve the linear equation
There are three cases: 􏰧k>0
􏰧k<0 􏰧k=0 x ̇ = kx,k ∈ R (2) If x(0) ̸= 0, will the solution touch 0 in finite time? (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 4 / 12 Linear System in 2D: Classification We would like to see if systems in 2D will exhibit similar behaviours. Natural idea: Decompose the space into two 1-dim subspaces... Natural question: Which decomposition is most indicative? – After all it is an evolution! Mission Given a 2D autonomous linear dynamical system, we want to switch the system into a simple one s.t. If possible, we can decompose it into two invariant directions. In either case, we want to know the bavaiour of the solution in those directions. (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 5 / 12 Linear System in 2D: Classification In linear algebra you have already seen the idea: decompose into invariant subspaces ⇐ eigenvalue + eigenspace Quiz Let A be a matrix and M ∈ Rn×n be an invertible matrix, and B = M−1AM 􏰧 Relation between eigenvalues of A and those of B? 􏰧 Relation between eigenvectors of A and those of B? Now apply this idea to linear systems: How will a solution change under change of coordinates? (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 6 / 12 Linear System in 2D: Classification Theorem Normal Form of Real 2 × 2 matrix For A ∈ R2×2, there exists an invertible matrix P s.t. B = P−1AP becomes to one of the following: 1 2 3 􏰥λ1 0􏰦 B=0λ. 2 􏰥a b􏰦 B= −b a . 􏰥λ 1􏰦 B=0λ. (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 7 / 12 CASE I: The Diagonal Matrix eigenvalues: λ1, λ2 ∈ R Fundamental Set of Solution. e Subcases: 1 λ1 ̸= λ2 2 λ1t 􏰥1􏰦 0 . e λ2t 􏰥1􏰦 0 . 􏰧 λ1 > λ2 > 0 ( )
􏰧 0>λ1 >λ2 (NodalSink)
􏰧 λ1 >0>λ2 (Saddle)
􏰧 λ1 > 0 = λ2 (Degenerate Source)
􏰧 λ1 = 0 > λ2 (Degenerate Sink)
􏰥λ1 0􏰦 B=0λ.
2 λ1 = λ2 = λ
􏰧 λ > 0 (Star Source)
􏰧 λ < 0 (Star Sink) 􏰧 λ = 0 (Guess What? You will not have this case in your final exam) (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 8 / 12 CASE II: The Complex Eigenvalue Matrix 􏰥a b􏰦 B= −b a . eigenvalues: λ1 =a+ib,λ2 =a−ib fundamental set of solutions: e Subcases: at 􏰥 cosbt 􏰦 − sin bt , e at 􏰥sinbt􏰦 cos bt 􏰧 􏰧 􏰧 a > 0 (Spiral Source) a < 0 (Spiral Sink) a = 0 (Center) (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 9 / 12 CASE III: Sub-Diagonal Matrix 􏰥λ 1􏰦 B=0λ. eigenvalues: λ1 = λ2 = λ 􏰥1􏰦 􏰥0􏰦 eigenvectors: 0 and 1 (augmented) λ􏰥1􏰦 λ 􏰥1􏰦 􏰥0􏰦 Fundamental Set of Solutions: e 0 , and e (t 0 + 1 ) Subcases: 􏰧 λ > 0 (degenerate source) 􏰧 λ < 0 (degenerate sink) (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 10 / 12 Poincar ́e Det-Tr Diagram Let’s try to classify the different situations by looking at determinant and trace. Quiz Write down the characteristic function in terms of determinant and trace (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 11 / 12 Poincar ́e Det-Tr Diagram Figure: Poincar ́e Det-Tr Diagram (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and 16, 2021 12 / 12

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