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Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Advanced Testing

Techniques (1)

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

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– Testing Types
– Integration Testing, Regression Testing

– Advanced Testing Techniques
– Test doubles (Dummies, Fakes, Stubs, Spies, Mocks)

– Contract Test

– Testing Frameworks
– Mockito

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Advanced Testing Types

Integration testing, regression testing

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Software Components/Sub-systems

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Integration Testing

– The process of verifying interactions/communications among software
components behave according to its specifications

– Independently developed (and tested) units may not behave correctly when
they interact with each other

– Activate corresponding components and run high-level tests

– Incremental integration testing vs. “Big Bang” testing


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Interaction Errors

– Parameter interfaces

– Methods in objects have a parameter interface

– Procedural interfaces

– Objects and reusable components

– Message passing interfaces

– One component encapsulates a service from another component by passing a
message to it

– Shared memory interfaces

– Interfaces in which block of memory is shared between components (e.g.,
embedded systems)


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Your Testing Exposed Bugs

– What would you do when your testing reveal bugs/errors?

– You fixed the discovered bugs, what should happen next?

– You extended one class with additional functionality (new feature), what
should happen next?


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Regression Testing

– Verifies that the software behaviour has not changed by incremental
changes to the software

– Bug fixes, code extension, code enhancements

– Modern software development processes are iterative/incremental

– Changes may be introduced which may affect the validity of previous tests

– Regression testing is to verify
– Pre-tested functionality (and non-functional properties) still working as expected

– No new bugs are introduced


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Regression Testing – Techniques

. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Type Description

Retest All Re-run all the test cases in a test suit

Test Selection Re-run certain test cases based on the changes in the code

Test case


Re-run test cases in order of its priority; high, medium, low. Priority

determined by how criticality and impact of test cases on the product

Hybrid Re-run selected test cases based on it’s priority

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Test-Driven Development

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Test-driven Development

– A software development approach for developing the code incrementally

along with a set of tests for that increment

– Write tests before code

– All tests must pass before starting the next increment

– Introduced in the XP agile development method

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TDD Cycle

– “A rapid cycle of testing, coding, and refactoring”

– Kent Beck

– “Every few minutes, TDD provides proven code

that has been tested, designed, and coded”

– Red, Green, Refactor cycle

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TDD Cycle – Think

– Think of a behavior you want your code to have (small

increment; few lines of code)

– Think of a test (few lines of code) that will fail unless the

behavior is present

– Pair programming helps
– Driver and navigator


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TDD Cycle – Red (Run the Test)

– Write the tests – only enough code for the current

increment of behavior

– Typically less than 5 lines of code

– Code for the class behavior and its public interface


– Tests use method and class names do not exist yet

– Run your entire suite of tests and enjoy the test failure

– Results in Red progress bar (testing tools)


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TDD Cycle – Green (Write Code)

– Write the code; just enough to get the test to pass
– Less than 5 lines

– It’s okay to hard code, you’ll refactor

– Run your tests again, and enjoy the tests passing

– Results in Green progress bar (testing tools)


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TDD Cycle – Refactor

– Review the code and look for possible improvements
– Ask your navigator if they made any notes

– Series of very small refactorings
– 1-2 minutes each, no longer than 5 minutes

– Run the tests after each refactoring
– Should always be green (pass!)

– Test failed and no obvious answer, get back to good code

– Refactor many times, improve design
– Refactoring isn’t about changing behavior


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TDD Cycle – Repeat

– Repeat to add new behavior, start the cycle over again

– Tiny bit of well-tested, well-designed code will be incrementally


– Typically, run through several cycles very quickly, then spend

more time on refactoring

– Do not skip any step, especially refactoring, to speed up!


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TDD – Red, Green, Refactor

– Use Red, Green, Refactor cycle to impalement TDD

– Think of a code behavior, then choose a small increment and

then a test

– Write the test for the current increment code and run the entire

suit of tests – should fail (Red bar)

– Write just enough code to get the test pass and run the tests

again – should pass (Green bar)

– Review the code and look for improvements – small set of

refactoring and run the tests after each (Refactor)


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TDD – Example

– Java class to parse HTTP query string (name-value pair)
– E.g., http://example.com/page/to/page?title=Central+Park&where=US

– Think

– “class to separate name/value pairs into a HashMap” or “class to put one

name/value pair into a HashpMap”? Why?

– Class QueryString won’t return a HashMap, but a method (valueFor(name)) to

access the name-value pairs. Shall you proceed with writing the test?

– Count() method instead to return total number of name-value pairs (more

suitable for one increment)


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TDD Example – Red Bar


public void testOneNameValuePair() {

QueryString qs = new QueryString(“name=value”);

assertEquals(1, qs.count());


public class QueryString {

public QueryString(String queryString) {}

public int count() { return 0; }


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TDD Example – Green Bar & Refractor


public int count() { return 1; }


Change the QueryString name to HttpQuery() – noted for next cycle

Another test to try

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TDD Example – Repeat


public void testNoNameValuePairs() {

QueryString qs = new QueryString(“”);

assertEquals(0, qs.count());



• Remove the hard-coded line but not time yet to deal with multiple query string

• Testing an empty string would require coding the count() properly

Emerging thoughts (noted for later cycles)

• Test the case of a null argument to the QueryString constructor

• Deal with the tests duplication tests that needed refactoring

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TDD Example – Green & Refactor


public class QueryString {

private String _query

public QueryString(string queryString) {

_query = queryString;


public int count() {

if (“”.equals(_query)) return 0;

else return 1;



Refactor (notes):

• Rename QuerySting

• testNull()

• Refactor duplicate tests

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TDD Example – testNull()


public void testNull() {

try {

QueryString qs = new QueryString(null);

fail(“Should throw exception”);


catch (NullPointerException e) {

// expected



• Test the case when the query string is null

• Red Bar – think of the behavior when the value is null

• Through an exception (Null is illegal) – simple design

public QueryString(String queryString) {

if (queryString == null) throw new


_query = queryString;


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TDD Example – valueFor()


public void testOneNameValuePair() {

QueryString qs = new


assertEquals(1, qs.count());




• Implement valueFor() method to return the associated value give a name/value pair

• Emerging thoughts: test for a name doesn’t exist (noted)

public String valueFor(String name) {

String[] nameAndValue =


return nameAndValue[1];


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TDD Example – Repeat


• Code passed the tests, but it was incomplete

• Multiple name/value pairs …

• Repeat …

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TDD – Benefits

– Help developers to understand the requirements and write better


– Simplify debugging
– Easier to find and fix mistakes in small code chunks

– Reduce cost of regression testing

– Improved design and code quality
– Research shows TDD substantially reduces the incidence of defects

– Reuse tests as the software grow, and use it as documentation

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– “Refactoring is the process of changing the design of your code without

changing its behavior” – Kent Beck

– Change the how not the what

– Refactoring is reversible!

– Analyze the design of existing code and improve it

– Code improvements can be identified with code smells

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How to Refactor

– Refactor constantly in a series of small transformations

– Learn from in-depth catalog of refactoring

– Refactor intuitively through learning the mindset behind refactoring

– Learn how to refactor manually
– Development frameworks/tools can help automating some refactoring

– Use continuous integration practices and automation tools
– Version control system, build and test automation, IDEs

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Test Double

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Movie – “Stunt Double”





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Test Double

– “A test double is an object that can stand in for a real object in a test, similar
to how a stunt double stands in for an actor in a movie” – Google Testing Blog

– Includes stubs, mocks and fakes

– Commonly referred to as “mocks”, but they have different uses!

– Why test double?
– Dependency on components that cannot be used

– Reduce complexity, test indecently



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Test Double – Types

Type Description

Dummy Pass object(s) that never actually used (to fill parameter list)

Stub Test-specific object(s) that provide indirect inputs into SUT

Spy Capture indirect output calls made by the SUT to another component

for later verification

Fake Objects to provide simpler implementation of a heavy component

Mock Object(s) that verify indirect output of the tested code

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Dummy Object

– Dummy, dummy parameter/value

– Pass object with no implementation (dummy) and never actually used
– E.g., Fill in parameter lists

– SUT’s methods to be called often take objects stored in instance variables
– Those objects, or some of its attributes, will never be used in the testing

– Preparing the SUT into right state (conform to the signature of some methods
need to be called)

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Dummy Object – Example

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(Test) Stub

– A test-specific object that provides indirect inputs during tests

– E.g., Object requires data from a database to answer a method call

– Used to verify logic independently when it depends on inputs from other

– Verify indirect inputs of the SUT

– It does not deal with indirect outputs of the system

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(Test) Stub – Example

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(Test) Spy

– Capture output calls made by the SUT to another component for later

– Verify indirect outputs of the SUT

– Get enough visibility of the outputs generated by the SUT (observation

– E.g., email service that records no. of messages sent

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(Test) Spy

– Capture output calls made by the SUT to another component for later

– Verify indirect outputs of the SUT

– Get enough visibility of the outputs generated by the SUT (observation

– E.g., email service that records no. of messages sent

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Fake (Object)

– Objects to provide simplified implementation of a heavy (real) component

– E.g., in-memory implementation of repository using simple collection to store

– SUT depends on other components that are unavailable or make testing
complex or slow

– Run tests faster

– Should not be used when want to control inputs to SUT or outputs of SUT

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Fake (Object) – Example

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Mock (Object)

– Object(s) that verify indirect output of the SUT

– E.g., function that calls email sending service, not to really send emails
but to verify that email sending service was called

– Calling real implementation during testing is tedious, or the side effect is not
the testing goal

– Unlike all doubles, mocks verify correctness against expectations

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Mock (Object) – Example

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Mock (Object)

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Test Doubles

– Understand the differences carefully and use the one that serve the
verification type and purpose and how it should be run

– Don’t be fooled by the mocking frameworks terminology – focus on the
verification purpose

– Read Fowler’s Mocks aren’t Stubs

– Check xUnit Test Patterns for more advanced details


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Contract Test

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Test Double – External Services

– Test double to interact with external/remote service
– How accurate/reliable is a test double?


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Contract Test

– The process of running periodic tests against real components to check the
validity of test doubles results

– How?

– Run your own test against the double

– Periodically run separate contract tests (real tests to call the real service)

– Compare the results

– Check the test double in case of results inconsistency/failures

– Also, consider service contract changes


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Integrated (Broad) Tests

“Broad tests done with many modules active” – integrated testing

Read more for further discussion – https://martinfowler.com/bliki/IntegrationTest.html

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Collaborative (Narrow) Tests

Read more for further discussion – https://martinfowler.com/bliki/IntegrationTest.html

“Narrow tests of interaction with
individual test doubles” – Collaboration

“supported by Contract Tests to ensure
the faithfulness of the double” –
Contract Tests

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Integration Testing



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Mocking Frameworks

– Mockito

– JMock

– EasyMock

– Mountebank

– Others …





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– An open source testing (test spy) framework for Java

– It has a type called ‘spy’ which is partial mock1

– Verify interactions after executing tests (what you want)

– Not expect-run-verify (look for irrelevant interactions)

– Interaction among objects/components not unit testing

– Allows to specify order of verification (not all interactions)



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Mockito – Constructs

Mockito Features Description

mock(), @Mock or


Different ways to create a mock

Answer or MockSettings Interfaces to specify how a mock should behave (optional)

when() Specify the mock to return a value when a method is called

Spy() or @Spy Caution: creates a (partial mock) for a given object

@InjectMocks automatically inject mcoks/spies annotated with @Mock() or


verify() Check methods were called with given arguments


Note: call MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(testClass) (usually in a @Before method) to get the annotations to work.

Alternatively, use MockitoJUnit4Runner as a JUnit runner


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Mockito Example

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Mockito – Method Call

– Use Mockito.when() and thenRturn() to specify a behavior when a method is

– Example of methods supported in Mockito

Method Purpose

thenReturn(valueToBeReturned) Return a given value

thenThrow(Throwable tobeThrown) Throws given exception

Then(Answer answer) User created code to answer

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Mockito – ‘When’ Example


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Mockito – Verifying Behavior

– Mockito.verify (T mockTobeVerified, verificationMode mode)
– Verifies certain behavior happened at least once (default) – e.g., a method is called once

– Different verification modes are available

Verification Mode Description

Times(int wantedNoCalls) Called exactly n times, default = 1

atMost(in maxNoOfCalls) Called at most n times

atLeast(int minNoOfCalls) Called at least n times

never() Never called

Timeout (int milliseconds) Interacted in a specified time range

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Mockito – Verifying Behavior Example

– Default mode is times (1) which can be omitted

– Argument passed are compared suing equals() method

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Mockito – Verifying Order of Calls

– InOrder (mocks) allows verifying mocks in order
– verify(mock): verifies interactions happened once in order

– verify(mock, VerificationMode mode): verifies interactions in order



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Writing Good Tests

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Writing Good Tests

– Reliable

– Free of bugs, defects or errors

– Fast
– Should not be counterproductive, will be run very frequently

– Keep it compact and readable

– Lots of refactoring

– Follow recommended coding practices (e.g., naming conventions, documentation)

– Cover wide range to show positive cases and errorenous code paths



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Writing Good Tests

– Do not mock everything

– It’s anti-pattern

– Understand mocking framework’s capabilities
– Mock syntax vs. actual purpose of mocking

– Read Fowler’s Mocks aren’t Stubs

– Do not mock type you do not own
– Third-party library or API – owner change the signature and behavior of the API

– Contract test ?

– Do not mock value objects
– Instantiating an object is too painful – not a valid reason

– Can be a sign that the code needs some serious refactoring or use builders for the value
objects (some tools such as Lombok can help)



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W4 Lecture: Advanced Testing

Techniques 2

W4 Tutorial + quiz

Next Lecture/Tutorial

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– Ian Sommerville. 2016. Software Engineering (10th ed.) Global Edition. Pearson

– James Shore and Shane Warden. 2007. The Art of Agile Development

– Martin Fowler, various testing articles. https://martinfowler.com/

– Gerard Meszaros, xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code. Addison-Wesley

– Martin Fowler, Mocks Arent Stubs,

– Gaurav Duggal, Bharti Suri, Understanding Regression Testing Techniques.

– Bernd Bruegge and Allen, H. Dutoit. 2009. Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Using Uml, Patterns, and Java (3rd ed.). Pearson

– Michal Lipski, Pragmatists: Test doubles: Fakes, Mocks and Stubs.

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