程序代写代做代考 junit case study Java database chain Software Construction & Design 1

Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Software Testing Theory,

Design of Test

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

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– Theory of Testing

– Design of Tests

– Unit Testing

– Testable Code

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Software Testing

Revisit – Theory behind

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Software Testing

– Software process to
– Demonstrate that software meets its requirements (validation testing)

– Find incorrect or undesired behavior caused by defects/bugs (defect testing)
• E.g., System crashes, incorrect computations, unnecessary interactions and data


– Part of software verification and validation (V&V) process

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Testing Objectives – Discuss

“Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never

to show their absence” – Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Testing Objectives

“Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their

absence” – Edsger W. Dijkstra

– Defect discovery

– Dealing with unknowns

– Incorrect or undesired behaviour, missing requirement, system property

– Verifying different system properties

– Functional specification correctly implemented

– Non-functional properties

• security, performance, reliability, interoperability, and usability

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Testing Objectives

– Objectives should be stated precisely and quantitatively to measure and control

the test process

– Testing completeness is never been feasible
– So many test cases possible – exhaustive testing is so expensive!

– Risk-driven or risk management strategy to increase our confidence

– How much testing is enough?

– Select test cases sufficient for a specific purpose (test adequacy criteria)

– Coverage criteria and graph theories used to analyse test effectiveness

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Validation Testing vs. Defect Testing

– Testing modelled as input test data and

output test results

– Defect testing: find Ie that cause anomalous

behavior (defects/problems)

– Validation testing: find inputs that lead to

expected correct outcomes

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Who Does Testing?

– Developers test their own code

– Developers in a team test one another’s code

– Many methodologies also have specialist role of tester
– Can help by reducing ego

– Testers often have different personality type from coders

– Real users, doing real work

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Testing takes creativity

– To develop an effective test, one must have:

– Detailed understanding of the system

– Application and solution domain knowledge

– Knowledge of the testing techniques

– Skill to apply these techniques

– Testing is done best by independent testers

– We often develop a certain mental attitude that the program should in a certain
way when in fact it does not

– Programmers often stick to the data set that makes the program work

– A program often does not work when tried by somebody else

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When is Testing happening?

Waterfall Software Development
– Test whether system works according to




Agile Software Development

• Testing is at the heart of agile practices

• Daily unit testing


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Testing Terminology

– Fault: cause of a malfunction

– Failure: undesired effect in the system’s function or behaviour

– Bug: result of coding error incurred by a programmer

– Debugging: investigating/resolving software failure

– Defect: deviation from its requirements/specifications

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Types of Errors in Software

– Syntax error
– Picked up by IDE or at latest in build process

– Not by testing

– Runtime error
– Crash during execution

– Logic error
– Does not crash, but output is not what the spec asks it to be

– Timing Error
– Does not deliver computational result on time


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Fault Handling Techniques

Fault Handling




















Testing Debugging

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Software Testing Classification

Functional Testing

• Unit testing

• Integration testing

• System testing

• Regression testing

• Interface testing

• User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – Alpha and Beta testing

• Configuration, smoke, sanity, end-to-end testing

Non-Functional Testing

• Performance testing

• Load testing

• Security testing

• Stress testing

• Reliability testing

• Usability testing

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Testing Objectives

Testing Type Objective

Alpha / Beta testing Identify possible issues (bugs) before releasing the product to end users

Regression testing Verify that a software behaviour has not changed by incremental changes to the software

Performance testing Verify system’s performance characteristics (e.g., speed)

Security testing Verify confidentiality and integrity of the system and its data

Stress testing Analyse the system’s behavioural limits under max. possible load

Interface testing Verify behaviour of software interfaces of interacting components to ensure correct exchange

of data and control information

Usability (HCI) Evaluate how easy to learn and use the software by end users

Configuration Verify the software behaviour under different user configurations

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Software Testing Process

– Design, execute and manage test plans and activities
• Select and prepare suitable test cases (selection criteria)
• Selection of suitable test techniques
• Test plans execution and analysis (study and observe test output)
• Root cause analysis and problem-solving
• Trade-off analysis (schedule, resources, test coverage or adequacy)

– Test effectiveness and efficiency
– Available resources, schedule, knowledge and skills of involved people
– Software design and development practices (“Software testability”)

• Defensive programming: writing programs in such a way it facilitates validation and
debugging using assertions

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Static Verification

– Static Verification/testing

– Static system analysis to discover problems

– May be applied to requirements, design/models, configuration and test data

– Reviews

– Walk through

– Code inspection

Ian Sommerville. 2016. Software Engineering (10th ed.). Addison-Wesley, USA.

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Software Validation and


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Software Verification and Validation

– Software testing is part of software Verification and Validation (V&V)

– The goal of V&V is to establish confidence that the software is “fit for purpose”

– Software Validation
– Are we building the right product?

– Ensures that the software meets customer expectations

– Software Verification
– Are we building the product right?

– Ensures that the software meets its stated functional and non-functional requirements

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– Link each phase of the SDLC with its associated testing phase

– Each verification stage relates to a validation stage



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– Link each phase of the SDLC with its associated testing phase

– Each verification stage relates to a validation stage

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Test Cases Can Disambiguate the Requirements

– A requirement expressed in English may not capture all the details

– But we can write test cases for the various situations

– the expected output is a way to make precise what the stakeholder wants

– E.g. write a test case with empty input, and say what output is expected

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Choosing Test Cases

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Choosing Test Cases – Techniques

– Partition testing (equivalence partitioning)
– Identify groups of inputs that have common characteristics

– From within each of these groups, choose tests

– Guideline-based testing
– Use testing guidelines based on previous experience of the kinds of errors

often made

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Equivalence Partitioning

– Different groups with common characteristics
– E.g., positive numbers, negative numbers

– Program behave in a comparable way for all

members of a group

– Choose test cases from each of the partitions

– Boundary cases
– Select elements from the edges of the

equivalence class

– Developers tend to select normal/typical cases

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Choosing Test Cases – Exercise

– For the following class method, apply equivalence partitioning to define

appropriate test cases.

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Choosing Test Cases – Sample Solution

– Equivalent classes for the ‘month’ parameter
– 31-days months, 30-days months, and 28-or-29-days month

– non-positive and positive integers larger than 12

– Equivalence classes for the ‘year’ parameter
– Leap years and no-leap years

– negative integers

– Select valid value for each equivalence class
– E.g., February, June, July, 1901 and 1904

– Combine values to test for interaction (method depends on both parameters)
– Six equivalence classes

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Choosing Test Cases – Sample Solution

– Equivalence classes and selected valid inputs for testing the getNumDaysInMonth() method

Equivalence Class Value for month Input Value for year Input

Months with 31 days, non-leap years 7 (July) 1901

Months with 31 days, leap years 7 (July) 1904

Months with 30 days, non-leap years 6 (June) 1901

Months with 30 days, leap year 6 (June) 1904

Months with 28 or 29 days, non-leap year 2 February 1901

Months with 28 or 29 days, leap year 2 February 1904

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Choosing Test Cases – Sample Solution

– Additional boundary cases identified for the getNumOfDaysInMonth() method

Equivalence Class Value for month Input Value for year Input

Leap years divisible by 400 2 (February) 2000

Non-leap years divisible by 100 2 (February) 1900

Non-positive invalid month 0 1291

Positive invalid months 13 1315

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Unit Testing

Part 2

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Unit Testing – Case Study

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Unit Testing – Case Study


In groups, define various unit tests for the Weather Station object

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Unit Testing – Techniques

– Attributes
– identifier: check if it has been set up properly

– Methods
– Perform its functionality correctly

– Input and output of each method

– Not always possible to test in isolation, test sequence is necessary

• Testing shutdown(instruments) require executing restart(instruments)

– Use system specification and other documentation
– Requirements, system design artefacts (use case description, sequence

diagrams, state diagram, etc.)

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Unit Testing – State Sequences

– Testing states of WeatherStation using

state model

– Identify sequences of state transitions to

be tested

– Define event sequences to force these


– Examples:
– Shutdown → Running → Shutdown

– Configuration → Running → Testing →
Transmitting → Running

– Many others…

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Part 2

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Junit – Annotations and Test Fixtures

JUnit 4* Description

@Before Executed before each test. To prepare the test environment (e.g., read input data,

initialize the class)

@After Executed after each test. To cleanup the test environment (e.g., delete temporary

data, restore defaults) and save memory

@BeforeClass Executed once, before the start of all tests. To perform time intensive activities, e.g.,

to connect to a database

@AfterClass Executed once, after all tests have been finished. To perform clean-up activities,

e.g., to disconnect from a database. Need to be defined as static to work with Junit

*See Junit 5 annotations and compare them https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-annotations

– Four fixture annotations; class-level and method-level

– Time of execution is important to use it properly


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Test Fixture – Exercise

– Examine the code snippet (line 11-54) and write down the output that will be produced

after executing the code.

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Test Fixture – Exercise

– Examine the code snippet (line 11-54) and write down the output that will be produced

after executing the code.

@BeforeClass setUpClass

@Before setUp

@Test test1()

@After tearDown

@AfterClass tearDownClass

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Junit – Test Execution Order


Examine the test code and

identify the execution order of

the included test methods.

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Junit – Test Execution Order

– Junit assumes that all test methods can be executed in an arbitrary order

– Good test code should not depend on other tests and should be well defined

– You can control it but it might lead into test problems (poor test practices)

– By default, Junit 4.11uses a deterministic order (MethodSorters)
– Java 7 (and older) return a more or less random order

– @FixMethodOrder to change test execution order (not recommended practice)
– @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.JVM)

– @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME ASCENDING)


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Junit – Parameterized Test

– A class that contains a test method and that test method is executed with

different parameters provided

– Marked with @RunWith(Parameterized.class) annotation

– The test class must contain a static method annotated with @Parameters
– This method generates and returns a collection of arrays. Each item in this collection

is used a s a parameter for the test method

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Parameterized Test Example

– Write a unit test that consider different parameters for the following class

method compute(int)

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Junit – Parameterized Test Example

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Junit – Verifying Exceptions

– Verifying that code behaves as expected in exceptional situations (exceptions)

is important

– The @Test annotation has an optional parameter “expected” that takes as

values subclasses of Throwable

Verify that ArrayList throws IndexOutOfBoundException

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Junit – Verify Tests Timeout Behaviour

– To automatically fail tests that ‘runaway’ or take too long

– Timeout parameter on @Test
– Cause test method to fail if the test runs longer than the specified timeout

– Test method runs in separate thread

– Optionally specify timeout in milliseconds in @Test

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Junit – Rules

– A way to add or redefine the behaviour of each test method in a test class
– E.g., specify the exception message you expect during the execution of test code

– Annotate fields with the @Rule

– Junit already implements some useful base rules

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Junit – Rules

Rule Description

TemporaryFolder Creates files and folders that are deleted when the test finishes

ErrorCollector Lets execution of test to continue after first problem is found

ExpectedException Allows in-test specification of expected exception types and


Timeout Applies the same timeout to all test methods in a class

ExternalResources Base class for rules that setup an external resource before a test

(a file, socket, database connection)

RuleChain Allows ordering of TestRules

See full list and code examples of Junit rules https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules

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Junit – Timeout Rule

– Applies the same timeout rule to all test methods in a class including @Before and


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Junit – ErrorCollector Rule Example

– Allows execution of a test to continue after the first problem is found

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Junit – ExpectedException Rule

– How to test a message value in the exception or the state of a domain object

after the exception has been thrown?

– ExpectedException rule allows specifying expected exception along with the

expected exception message

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Junit – Examples of other Rules

– Check Junit documentation for more examples on rules implementation

– Make sure you use them for the right situation – the goal is to write good tests

(not Test Smell)

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Testable Code

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Writing Testable Code

– Testable code: code that can be easily tested and maintained

– What makes code hard to test (untestable)?
– Anti-pattern

– Design/code smells

– Bad coding practices

– Others?



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Testable Code
– Adhere to known design principles (e.g., SOLID)

– Single responsibility

• Small pieces of functionality that are easier to test in isolation

– Open-closed

• All existing tests should work even with un-extended implementation

– Liskov Substitution

• Mocked object substituted for real part without changing unexpected

– Interface Segregation

• Reduce complexity of SUT

– Dependency Inversion

• Inject mock implementation of a dependency instead of real

For more details See revision slides on Canvas



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Testable Code

– Adhere to known design principles (GRASP)

– Creator

– Information Expert

– High Cohesion

– Low Coupling

– Controller

For more details See revision slides on Canvas..


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Testable Code

– Adhere to API design principles
– Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

– You Aren’t Gonna Need It (YAGNI)

– Don’t Repeat Yourself

– Occam’s Razor

For more details See revision slides on Canvas


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Testable Code

– Adhere to other OO design principles
– Information hiding

– Encapsulation

– Documentation

– Naming convention

– Parameters selection

– Others …

For more details See revision slides on Canvas..


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Testable Code – Industry/Expert Guide

– Google’s guide for ‘Writing Testable Code’

– Guide for Google’s Software Engineers

– Understanding different types of flaws, fixing it, concrete code examples
before and after

– Constructor does real work

– Digging into collaborators

– Brittle global state & Singletons

– Class does too much






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– Ian Sommerville. 2016. Software Engineering (10th ed.) Global Edition. Pearson,
Essex England

– Bernd Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit. 2009. Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Using Uml, Patterns, and Java (3rd ed.). Pearson.

– Junit 4, Project Documentation, [https://junit.org/junit4/]

– Jonathan Wolter, Russ Ruffer, Miško Hevery Google Guide to Writing Testable Code



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W3 Tutorial: More on unit Testing +

W3 quiz

W3 Lecture: Advanced Testing


Testing Assignment A1 release

Next Lecture/Tutorial…

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