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COMP3430 / 8430 Data wrangling
Lecture 11: Schema mapping and matching (Lecturer: )
Based on slides by Prof Erhard Rahm (University of Leipzig
and ScaDS, Germany)

Lecture outline
● The schema matching problem
● Examples of schema matching applications
● Schema matching techniques
Note: The terms schema matching and mapping are often used interchangeably

The schema matching problem
● The problem of generating correspondences between elements of two database schemas
ID char(15) key
AuthorID integer references AuthorInfo BookTitle varchar(150)
ListPrice float
DiscountPrice float
ISBN char(15) key Title varchar(100) Author varchar(50) MarkedPrice float
AuthorID integer key LastName varchar(25) FirstName varchar(25)

Basic input to matching techniques
● Schema structures; element (attribute) names; and constraints such as data types and keys
ID char(15) key
AuthorID integer references AuthorInfo BookTitle varchar(150)
ListPrice float
DiscountPrice float
ISBN char(15) key Title varchar(100) Author varchar(50) MarkedPrice float
AuthorID integer key LastName varchar(25) FirstName varchar(25)

Other inputs to basic schema matching
● Synonyms
Code = Id = Num = No Zip = Postal [code]
● Acronyms
PO = Purchase Order
UOM = Unit of Measure
SS# = Social Security Number
● Data instances (attribute values)
Key insight: Elements match if they have similar instances or value distributions

Many applications need correspondences
● Data translation
– Object-to-relational mapping
– XML message translation (for example between different applications) – Data warehouse loading (ETL)
● Data integration
– ER (entity relationship) design tools
– Schema evolution (temporal changes) – Record linkage (next lecture)

Example: matching product catalogues
DVD Recorder
Digital Cameras Digital Photography
Digital Cameras
Electronics & Photo TV & Video
DVD Recorder Projectors
Camera & Photo Digital Cameras
● Mapping is useful for improving query results, for example to find a specific product across Web sites, or merging catalogues

Example: matching life science ontologies
● There are many large biomedical ontologies, used to annotate or enrich objects (genes, proteins, etc.) or documents (publications, electronic health records, etc.)
Mouse Anatomy
… vertebra
NCI Thesaurus
Vertebra … Sacral_Vertebra
S1_Vertebra S2_Vertebra …
pelvis bone
sacral vertebra

sacral vertebra 2
sacral vertebra 1

Taxonomy of automatic match techniques
● Matcher combinations are either hybrid matches (that consider for example name and type similarity), or composite matches
Element Structure
• Value pattern and ranges
• Dictionaries • Thesauri
• Previous match results
• Names
• Descriptions
Constraint-based Constraint-based
• Types • Parents • Keys • Children
• IR (word frequencies, key terms)
• Leaves
E. Rahm and P.A. Bernstein: A Survey of Approaches to Automatic Schema Matching. VLDB Journal 10(4), 2001

Match techniques
● Linguistic matchers
– (String) similarity of concept/element names
– Based on dictionaries or thesauri, such as WordNet / UMLS
● Structure-based matchers
– Consider similarity of ancestors/descendants
– Graph-based matching such as Similarity Flooding (Melnik et al., ICDE 2002)
● Instance-based matchers
– Concepts with similar instances/annotated objects should match
– Consider all instances of a concept as a document and utilise
document similarity (such as TF-IDF) to find matching concepts

Instance based ontology matching
● Concepts with most similar instances should match (requires shared / similar instances for most concepts)
● Mutual treatment of entity resolution (instance matching) and ontology matching ● Promising for link discovery in the Linked Open Web of Data
O1 instances
O2 instances

Schema matching is a multi-step process
General workflow
Input schemas
S1 S2
Matcher sub-workflow
Matcher1 Matcher1 Matcher2 … Matcher2
Result Mapping
Combination of matcher results
Matcher Execution
Selection of correspondences
Matcher 2 Matcher 3 Matcher 4
Sequential matchers
Parallel (independent) matchers
Mixed strategy

Large-scale matching
● Very large ontologies / schemas (>10,000 elements)
– Quadratic complexity of evaluating the Cartesian product
(match efficiency)
– Difficult to find all right correspondences (match quality)
– Support for user interaction
● Many (>>2) ontologies/schemas
– Holistic ontology/schema matching
– Clustering of equivalent concepts/elements or linking to
some hubs

Self-tuning match workflows (1)
● Semi-automatic configuration
– Selection and ordering of matchers
– Combination of match results
– Selection of correspondences (top-k, threshold, …)
● Prototype tuning frameworks (Apfel, eTuner, YAM) – Use of supervised machine learning
– Need previously solved match problems for training – Difficult to support large schemas

Self-tuning match workflows (2)
● Heuristic approaches
– Use linguistic and structural similarity of input schemas to select matchers
and their weights
– Favour matchers that give higher similarity values in the combination of
matcher results
● Rule-based approach
– Comprehensive rule set to determine and tune match workflow – Use of schema features and intermediate match results

Re-use oriented matching
● Many similar match tasks, therefore reuse previous matches – Can improve both efficiency and match quality
● Repository of match tasks is needed
– Store previously matched schemas / ontologies and obtained mappings – Identify and apply reusable correspondences
● First proposals for reuse at three mapping granularities
1) Reuse individual element correspondences, such as synonyms
2) Reuse complete mappings, for example after schema/ontology evolution 3) Reuse mappings between schema/ontology fragments (such as common
data elements)

Research match prototypes

Commercial oriented matching tools
● Many GUI-based mapping editors to manually specify correspondences and mappings
● Initial support for automatic matching, in particular linguistic
– Altova MapForce – MS BizTalk Server – SAP Netweaver
– IBM Infosphere
● Many further improvements possible – Structural / instance-based matching
– Advanced techniques for large schemas

Example tool: Biztalk mapper

Example tool: Altova MapForce

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