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Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Enterprise Application

Architecture Design Patterns

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

The University of Sydney Page 2

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– Enterprise Application Architecture

– Layered Architecture

– Enterprise Application Design Patterns

– Unit of work

– Lazy load

– Value Object

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Enterprise Applications


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Catalogue of Design Patterns

Design Pattern Description

Gang of Four (Gof) First and most used. Fundamental patterns OO development, but not

specifically for enterprise software development.

Enterprise Application

Architecture (EAA)

Layered application architecture with focus on domain logic, web,

database interaction and concurrency and distribution. Database

patterns (object-relational mapping issues)

Enterprise Integration Integrating enterprise applications using effective messaging models

Core J2EE EAA Focused on J2EE platform. Applicable to other platforms

Microsoft Enterprise


MS enterprise software patterns. Web, deployment and distributed




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Enterprise Applications

– Payroll, patient records, shipping tracking, insurance, accounting, insurance

– Involve lots of data

– Information systems or data processing

– Managing very large data using DBMS

– Data must be persistent (for many years even with SW/HW changes)

– Concurrent data access (web-based) require transaction management

– Data needs to be presented differently to end users

– Enterprise applications need to integrate with other applications

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Enterprise Applications

– Enterprise applications need to integrate with other applications
– Developed using different technologies

– Data files, DBMS, communication among components

– Differences in business processes
– Complex business logic/rules

– Customer (one with current agreement or had a contract)

– Product sales vs service sales

– Different enterprise application types impose different design challenges

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Enterprise Applications – Layered Architecture

– .



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Enterprise Applications – Principal Layers

Layer Description

Presentation Handle interactions between the user and the




Application logic including calculations based on

inputs, retrieving and storing data from the data


Data Source Storing persistence data. Works with other systems

such as transaction monitors and messaging system

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Enterprise Applications – Layered Architecture

– .

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Layering – Architectural Decision

– Performance is a significant design decision

– Response time: amount time it takes for the system to process a request

– Throughput: amount of work an application can handle in a given amount

of time

• Bytes per seconds, requests per second, transaction per second

– Other measures related to performance include responsiveness, latency,


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Layering – Architectural Decision

– Many factors can influence performance while designing enterprise


– Communication among different components

• Trips over the wire (networking)

• Communication styles (messaging, RPCs)

– System resources (memory, disk)

– Expensive system operations (database read/write)

– Sharing and concurrency

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Mapping Objects to Database

– Data is modeled as objects in the domain model

but as tables (e.g., in RDB)

– Objects stored in-memory

– Tables stored persistently a database

– Issue: how to do mapping between in-memory

objects and database tables

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What is a Transaction?

– Database technology allows application to define a transaction

– A segment of code that will be executed as a whole
– System infrastructure should prevent problems from failure and concurrency

– Transaction should be chosen to cover a complete, indivisible business


– Book a seat

– Transfer money

– Withdraw cash

– Sell something

– Borrow a book

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Transaction – ACID

– The transaction support should pass the ACID test
– Atomic (all, or nothing)

• Either transaction commits (all changes are made) or else it aborts (no changes

are made)

• Abort may be application-requested rollback, or it may be system initiated

– Consistent

– Isolated (no problems from concurrency; details are complicated)

• DBMS provides choices of “isolation level”

– Usually good performance under load is only available with lower isolation

– But lower isolation level does not prevent all interleaving problems

– Durable (changes made by committed transactions are not lost in failures)

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Unit of Work

Object Relational Behavioural Pattern

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Unit of Work Pattern

“Maintains a list of objects affected by a business transaction

and coordinates the writing out of changes and the resolution

of concurrency problems”

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Unit of Work – Applicability

– Want to keep track of everything during a business transaction that can

affect the database

– Pulling data from a database

– Insert new objects you create and remove any objects you delete

– Might be useful with session objects

– Why not changing the database with each change to the object


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Unit of Work – Applicability

– Batch updates
– Multiple database updates as a unit

– One remote call rather than multiple

– JDBC allow such facility

– Any transactional resource not just databases

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Unit of Work – How it Works

– Notify UoW of any change including:
– New object created

– Existing objects updated (modified/deleted)

– Existing objects being read (to ensure consistency)

– When a transaction has to be committed, UoW:
– Open a transaction

– Check concurrency (pessimistic/optimistic offline lock)

• Why not programmers make explicit database updates?

– Write changes out to the database

– Needs to know objects it should keep track of
– By caller or through the object itself

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UoW – Caller Registration

– UoW needs to know what

objects it should keep track


– This can be realized by

Caller Registration

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UoW – Object Registration

– UoW needs to know what

objects it should keep track


– This can be realized by

Object Registration

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UoW – as Controller

– .

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Unit of Work – Consequences

– Keep all information in one place

– Reduce number of database calls

– Handle business operation that span several transactions

– Alternatives can be impractical or difficult to manage
– Save any object whenever is changed

– Use variables to track objects that change

– Setting and finding objects through a special flag (dirty flag)

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Lazy Load

Object Relational Behavioural Pattern

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Lazy Load

“An object that doesn’t contain all of the data you need but

knows how to get it.”

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Lazy Load – Applicability

– Depends on how much data need to retrieve from the database and how

many calls required to achieve that

– When the field requires extra database call(s)

– When you need to retrieve everything in one call, especially if it

corresponds to a single interaction

– Not useful when a field is stored in the same row as the rest of the object

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Lazy Load – How it Works

– Four ways to implement Lazy Load:

– Lazy initialization

– Virtual Proxy

– Value Holder

– Ghost

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Lazy Load – Lazy Initialization

– Use “null” to indicate That a field has not been loaded
– Every access to the field requires a “is-null” check

– A field with null means the value will need to be calculated before returning

the field

– The field should be self-encapsulated
– Access through getting method

– Use another check in case null is a legal field value

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Lazy Initialization – Implementation

– Access of the products field for the first time cases the data to be loaded

from the database

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Lazy Load – Virtual Proxy

– Object that looks like the object that should be in the field but it doesn’t

contain anything

– Virtual Proxy looks like exactly the same object suppose to be there

– Object identities issue
– Multiple virtual proxies (with different identities) for the same real object

– Dealing with many virtual proxies in statically-typed languages

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Virtual Proxy – Implementation (1)

– List of products for a supplier to be held with a regular list field

– List proxy setup to provide the list that has to be created when it’s accessed

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Virtual Proxy – Implementation (2)

– Virtual list instantiation with a loader that calls the appropriate loader

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Virtual Proxy – Implementation (3)

– Product loader assignment to the list field

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Virtual Proxy – Implementation (4)

– Evaluate the loader on the first reference

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Virtual Proxy – Implementation (5)

– Regular list methods

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Lazy Load – Value Holder

– An object that wraps some other object

– To get the underlying object, ask the value holder for its value on the first


– Lose explicit strong typing
– Class needs to know that it is present

– To avoid identity problems, ensure that the value holder is never passed out

beyond its owning class

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Lazy Load – Ghost

– A real object in a partial state

– An object where every field is lazy-initialized in one go

– When an object is loaded from the database it contains just its ID. It’s full

state is loaded whenever an access to its filed is attempted

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Lazy Load – Consequences (1)

– Virtual proxy/ghost can hold some data
– Data quick to retrieve and commonly used

– Issues with inheritance (in statically typed languages)
– Can’t decide the type of ghost/virtual proxy to create until the object is

loaded properly

– Lazy load may lead to database access more than needed
– Collection with lazy loads and read them one at a time (ripple loading)

– Make the collection itself as a lazy load and load all the contents

– That doesn’t scale with very large collections

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Lazy Load – Consequences (2)

– Dealing with different degrees of laziness (which subset of the object fields is


– Use separate database interaction objects (one for each common scenario)

– E.g., two order mapper objects; one that loads line items immediately and one

loads it lazily

– More varieties of laziness, complexity overweight benefits

– Practically two: complete load and just enough load for identification

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Value Object

Object Behavioural

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Value Object

– What is the difference between value object and reference objects? Give


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Value Object

– “A small simple object whose equality isn’t based on identity”

– Applicability

– When you want to use equality on something other than identity

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Value Object Example – Money

– Money represents a monetary value

– Many issues such as

– Multiple currencies: e.g., cannot add dollars to yen

– Rounding errors: losing cents/pennies

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Value Object – Example

– Fields should be defined appropriately
– The amount as integral or a fixed decimal type – a float

type might introduce rounding problems
– Monetary values either rounded to the smallest complete unit or with

fractional units

– Arithmetic operations should be currency-aware
– Addition and subtraction

– Rounding issues in division and multiplication

– E.g., to add %5 tax, multiply it by 0.05

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Value Object Example – Money

– Business rule: allocate the whole amount of a sum

of money to 2 accounts:
– 70% to Acc1 and

– 30% to Acc2

– How would an application allocate 5 cents?

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Value Object Example – Money

– Allocator function
– Take ratio parameter as a list of numbers

– Returns list of monies without dropping scents

– A rule to enforce how to deal with allocation

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Value Object Example – Money

– Currency conversion
– Simple solution Multiply by exchange rate

– But there might be some rounding issues – conversion rules may have

specific rounding

– Instead use converter object to encapsulate the conversion algorithm

– Money comparison
– Compare different currencies require currency conversion

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Value Object Example – Money

– How to storing money in a database?
– As embedded value; currency for every money?

– Store the currency on the account and pull it whenever you load entries

– How to display money on a UI?
– Use printing behavior to display the correct amount with appropriate


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Money Example – Implementation

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Money Example – Implementation

– Access the underlying data (amount)

– Accessors

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Money Example – Implementation

– Money equality

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Money Example – Implementation

– Money equality

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Money Example – Implementation

– Money Addition

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Money Example – Implementation

– Money comparison

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Money Example – Implementation

– Money Multiplication

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Money Example – Implementation

– Allocate sum of money among many targets without losing cents

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Value Object – Consequences

– Performance improvements

– Specifically with binary serializing

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Lazy Loader – Value

Holder Implementation

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Value Holder – Implementation (1)

– Product field typed as a value and use getProducts() to hide this from the


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Value Holder – Implementation (2)

– Value holder performs

the lazy initialization

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Value Holder – Implementation (3)

– Value holder performs the lazy initialization

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Unit of Work –


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Unit of Work – Implementation (1)

– Unit of work that can track all changes for a given business transaction and then

commit them to the database when required

– Registration methods

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Unit of Work – Implementation (2)

– Registration methods

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Unit of Work – Implementation (3)

– Commit method to locate data mapper for each object and invoke appropriate

mapping method

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Unit of Work – Implementation (4)

– Facilitate object registration

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Unit of Work – Implementation (5)

– Methods to register objects as unit of work

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Unit of Work – Implementation (5)

– Domain objects need to mark themselves new and dirty where appropriate

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Unit of Work – Implementation (6)

– Register and commit unit of work

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– Martin Fowler (With contributions from David Rice, Matthew
Foemmel, Edward Hieatt, Robert Mee, and Randy Stafford).
2003. Patterns of Enterprise Applications Architecture. Pearson.

– Enterprise-Scale Software Architecture (COMP5348). Slides

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W8 Tutorial: Practical

Exercises/coding + quiz

W8 Lecture: Enterprise Design


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