程序代写代做代考 c/c++ stb – cscodehelp代写


single-file public domain (or MIT licensed) libraries for C/C++


* image loader: [stb_image.h](stb_image.h)
* image writer: [stb_image_write.h](stb_image_write.h)
* image resizer: [stb_image_resize.h](stb_image_resize.h)
* font text rasterizer: [stb_truetype.h](stb_truetype.h)
* typesafe containers: [stb_ds.h](stb_ds.h)

Most libraries by stb, except: stb_dxt by Fabian “ryg” Giesen, stb_image_resize
by . “VinoBS” Rodriguez, and stb_sprintf by .

library | lastest version | category | LoC | description
——————— | —- | ——– | — | ——————————–

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