程序代做CS代考 python interpreter CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Fall 2021 Midterm 1 Solutions – cscodehelp代写

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Fall 2021 Midterm 1 Solutions
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For questions with circular bubbles, you should select exactly one choice. 􏰍 You must choose either this option
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Exam generated for 2
You can complete and submit these questions before the exam starts.
(a) What is your full name?
(b) What is your student ID number?

Exam generated for 3
1. (8.0 points) What Would Python Display? (a) (4.0 points)
Assume the following code has been executed.
def os(ki):
t = -1
while i > 3:
t = i – 4 and i + 4 os(i – 2)
i, j = i – 1, i * 2 s=i
i. (1.0 pt) What value is bound to i in the global frame?
ii. (1.0 pt) What value is bound to j in the global frame?
iii. (1.0 pt) What value is bound to s in the global frame?
iv. (1.0 pt) What value is bound to t in the global frame?

Exam generated for 4 (b) (4.0 points)
The function tik takes an argument tok and returns a function insta that takes an argument gram. The insta function prints tok and gram on the same line separated by a space and has no return statement. Its implementation has been omitted intentionally.
def tik(tok):
“””Returns a function that takes gram and prints tok and gram on a line.
>>> tik(5)(6) 56
def insta(gram):
… # The implementation of this function has been omitted.
return insta
i. (4.0 pt) What would the interactive Python interpreter display upon evaluating the expression: tik(tik(5)(print(6)))(print(7))
5 None
None None

Exam generated for 5 2. (5.0 points) 31 Cal Olympians
The environment diagram below was generated by code that is only partially provided to the right of the diagram. All of the relevant code needed to fill in the blanks in the environment diagram is shown. Line numbers have been omitted intentionally.

Exam generated for
(a) (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (a)? 􏰌3
􏰍5 􏰍7
􏰍 2021
(b) (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (b)? 􏰍 parent=Global
􏰍 parent=f1
􏰍 parent=f2
􏰌 parent=f3
(c) (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (c)? 􏰍 parent=Global
􏰍 parent=f1
􏰍 parent=f2
􏰌 parent=f3
(d) (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (d)? 􏰍3
􏰍5 􏰍7
􏰌 2021
(e) (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (e)? 􏰌3
􏰍5 􏰍7
􏰍 2021
(The parent of the function returned in f3.)

Exam generated for 7 3. (27.0 points) All Hail the Stone
Definition: A hailstone sequence begins with a positive integer n. If n is even, divide it by 2. If n is odd, triple it and add 1. Repeat until 1 is reached. For example, the hailstone sequence starting at 3 is 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. Assume all hailstone sequences are finite and end with 1.
Assume the following code has been executed.
from operator import add, mul
def next_hail(k):
“””Return the next element in a hailstone sequence.”””
assert k > 1
if k % 2 == 0:
return k // 2
return 3 * k + 1
(a) (8.0 points)
Implement hail_min, which takes a positive integer n and a one-argument function measure. It returns the element of the hailstone sequence starting with n for which calling measure on the element returns the smallest value.
If more than one element of the sequence has the smallest measure value, return the earliest one.
def hail_min(n, measure):
“””Return the element k of the hailstone sequence starting with n for which
measure(k) is smallest. In case of a tie, return the earliest element.
>>> hail_min(5, lambda k: -k) #Among5,16,8,4,2,1;16islargest 16
>>> hail_min(8, lambda k: -k) #Among8,4,2,1;8islargest 8
>>> hail_min(3, lambda k: abs(k – 7)) # Among 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1; 8 is closest to 7
>>> hail_min(9, lambda k: abs(k – 7)) # Among 9, 28, 14, 7, 22, …; 7 is closest to 7
>>> hail_min(8, lambda k: abs(k – 3)) # 4 and 2 are both close to 3, but 4 is earliest
apple = _________
while n > 1:
n = next_hail(n)
if _________:
return _________

Exam generated for 8
i. (1.0 pt) Fill in blank (a).
ii. (3.0 pt) Fill in blank (b).
iii. (1.0 pt) Fill in blank (c).
iv. (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (d)? Check all that apply. 􏰏n
􏰐 apple
􏰏 measure(n)
􏰏 measure(apple)
􏰏 min(n, apple)
􏰏 min(measure(n), measure(apple))
v. (2.0 pt) What element of the hailstone sequence starting with n larger than 1 is returned by the expression:
hail_min(n, lambda k: 1 – k % 2) 􏰍 Always n (the first element)
􏰍 Always 1 (the last element)
􏰍 The largest odd element
􏰍 The largest even element 􏰍 The smallest odd element 􏰍 The smallest even element 􏰌 The first odd element
􏰍 The first even element
measure(n) < measure(apple) apple = n Exam generated for 9 (b) (6.0 points)
Definition: An accumulator function is a function that takes two integers and returns an integer. It can serve as the second argument to hail_tally below.
def hail_tally(n, f):
“””Accumulate the elements of the hailstone sequence starting with n using
accumulator function f.
>>> hail_tally(3, add) # 3 + 10 + 5 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 49
>>> hail_tally(10, max) # Largest of 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
total = 0
while n > 1:
total = f(total, n)
n = next_hail(n)
return f(total, 1)
Implement sum_some, which takes a one-argument function select and returns an accumulator function f. For positive integer n, the call hail_tally(n, f) returns the sum of the elements of the hailstone sequence starting with n for which calling select on the element returns a true value.
def sum_some(select):
“””Return an accumulator function that sums all k for which select(k) is a true value.
>>> def below_ten(k):
… return k < 10 >>> sum_below_ten = sum_some(below_ten)
>>> hail_tally(3, sum_below_ten) # [3] + 10 + [5] + 16 + [8] + [4] + [2] + [1]
def f(total, k):
if _________:
return _________(total, k)
return _________
i. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (a).

Exam generated for 10
ii. (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (b)? Check all that apply. 􏰐 add
􏰏 mul
􏰏 sum_some 􏰏 total
􏰏 hail_tally
iii. (1.0 pt) Which of these could fill in blank (c)? 􏰍k
􏰌 total
􏰍 total + k
􏰍 hail_tally(k, sum_some)
􏰍 hail_tally(total, sum_some)
􏰍 hail_tally(total + k, sum_some)
iv. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (d).
return f

Exam generated for 11 (c) (5.0 points)
Implement hail_odd_sum, a function that takes a positive integer n and returns the sum of all odd elements in the hailstone sequences starting with n.
Important: Your solution must include sum_some.
You may also call other functions defined previously in this question.
def hail_odd_sum(n):
“””Sum the odd elements of the hailstone sequence starting with n.
>>> hail_odd_sum(3) # [3], 10, [5], 16, 8, 4, [1]; 3 + 5 + 1 = 9
>>> hail_odd_sum(34) # 34, [17], 52, 26, [13], 40, 20, 10, [5], …, [1]
return _________(_________, _________)
(a) (b) (c)
i. (1.0 pt) Fill in blank (a).
ii. (1.0 pt) Fill in blank (b).
iii. (3.0 pt) Fill in blank (c).
sum_some(lambda k: k % 2 == 1)

Exam generated for 12 (d) (8.0 points)
Definition: To call a function f repeatedly on a sequence of values x, y, z means to use f in a nested call expression in which each element of the sequence is passed in as a single argument in order: f(x)(y)(z).
Implement hail, which takes an integer n greater than 1. It returns a function that returns True when called repeatedly on all of the remaining elements of the hailstone sequence starting with n. It returns False when called repeatedly on any sequence that differs from the hailstone sequence starting with n.
Hint: You may call next_hail (and other functions defined previously in this question).
def hail(n):
“””Return a function that returns True if called repeatedly on the remaining
elements of the hailstone sequence starting with n and False otherwise.
>>> hail(3)(10)(5)(16)(8)(4)(2)(1)
>>> hail(3)(4)
>>> hail(3)(10)(5)(16)(8)(1)
assert n > 1
def check(k):
if _________:
return True
if _________:
return False
return _________
return _________
i. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (a).
ii. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (b).
# The next element should have been 10.
# The next element should have been 4.
n == 2 and k == 1
next_hail(n) != k

Exam generated for 13 iii. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (c).
iv. (2.0 pt) Fill in blank (d).

Exam generated for
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