程序代做CS代考 Haskell # Activity Plan for Week 2 – cscodehelp代写

# Activity Plan for Week 2

## Summary

In Week 2 of the Functional Programming module, we will:

1. study the basic Type Classes and Instances
2. understand different ways of writing Functions (composing, guarded equations, pattern matching, and lambda expressions)
3. look at Operators and Sections: ways to turn infix function symbols into functions
4. finally, we will apply our knowledge on functions when learning a bit more on Type Classes.

## Activities: what you should do this week

As in every week, the entrypoint to your learning is the [“Modules” page](https://canvas.bham.ac.uk/courses/56356/modules). The activities there correspond to the items mentioned above:

Read the following handouts and the videos embedded with these documents:

5. Handout – [Type Classes and Instances](../LectureNotes/Sections/typeclasses.md)
6. Handout – [Functions](../LectureNotes/Sections/functions.md)
7. Handout – [More on Type Classes](../LectureNotes/Sections/more-typeclasses.md)

Additional reading:

8. Task: Read Chapter 2, “Believe the type” of “Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!”
9. Task: Read Chapter 2 of “Real World Haskell”

Please go through the various material at your own pace. We have tried to measure the material such that it can be done in 12 hours. Please let us know in the Support Chat if this is not the case.

## Online Lab Session: how to prepare

We will have an Online Lab Session via Zoom towards the end of this week.
Before the Lab Session, we recommend you have tried to solve all the exercises from the [Problem Sheet for Week 2](../ProblemSheets/ProblemSheet-Week2.md). It is very important that you have at least *tried* these exercises before the lab session.

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