程序代做CS代考 Excel Semester 2 2021 – cscodehelp代写

Semester 2 2021
Lecture 2: Visualisation – Part IV

Basic Visualisation
✓Line plots ✓Boxplots ✓Histograms ✓Bar charts ✓Scatter plots • Heat maps
• Parallel Coordinate plots

Which Iris is which?
Which one is Setosa and which one is Virginica?

Heat maps
• Plot the data matrix
• Individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colours • This can be useful when objects are sorted according to class/type
• Typically, features are normalised to prevent one attribute from dominating the plot

Drawing a heat map
-1.5 0.9 -1.9 -1.2

Heat map – (normalised) Iris data
[Columns have been standardized to have a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1]

How common is your birthday?

Parallel Coordinates
• A widely used visualisation technique for exploring multi-dimensional data sets
• Use a set of parallel axes (coordinate axes)
• The values of each data object are plotted as a point on each
corresponding coordinate axis and the points are connected by a line. • Thus, each data object is represented as a line

Parallel coordinates – Iris data
Note: normalised measurements by subtracting mean and dividing by the standard deviation https://www.data-to-viz.com/graph/parallel.html

Patterns in parallel coordinates
• Reveal a distinct class of object group • Show data characteristics such as
• different data distributions
• Associations of feature pairs.

Patterns – cont.
• Highlight specific patterns of association on different features

Patterns – cont.
• Highlight specific patterns of association on different features

Axes scaling with parallel coordinates
Scaling of Axes
• Inconsistent scaling can lead to mis-interpretation

Axes scaling – cont.
• Axes scaling affects the visualization
• May choose to scale all features via a pre-processing step

Axes ordering in parallel coordinates
Ordering of axes
• Influences the relationships that can be seen. Correlations between pairs of features may only be visible in certain orderings
• Can decrease the clutter
• Can reveal distinct class more clearly

Parallel coordinates – ordering of axes

Very high dimensional data?
• Parallel coordinates leads to clutter and over-plotting with very large dataset and very high dimensions
• Not enough space to draw all lines
• Difficult to trace a line for a data object
• Only look at an important subset of attributes • Domain experts
• Feature selection techniques
• Dimensionality reduction techniques: covered later in the subject

Elements of a good visualisation
• Meaningful title
• Appropriate scales, annotation
• Suitability to the dataset and the context of the data question
• Can be interpreted on its own.
• Caption can be used to explain the context, the dataset, and a brief
interpretation of plot, where appropriate.
• Has no redundant, information unimportant to the plot.

• Visualisation tools allow a quick summary of the data • Easy to glean the important features
• Can be a visual tool to help analysis
• Assist in getting to know your data
• Excellent communication tool
• Given your data:
• What are the best ways to visualise the information?
• Different aspects of the data may lend themselves better to different visualisations

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