程序代做CS代考 dns DHCP cache Pieces of the Puzzle – cscodehelp代写

Pieces of the Puzzle
EE450: Introduction to Computer Networks Professor A. E450, USC, Zahid 1

Burning Questions
 How does a host/router get the MAC address of another host/router on the same LAN?
 Answer: Address Resolution Protocol: ARP
 How does a host get the IP address of another
host across the Internet?
 Answer : Domain Name System: DNS  How does a host get it‟s own IP address?
 Answer: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
 How do we distinguish between two or more applications running on the same host?
 Answer: Port Numbers/Sockets
EE450, USC, Zahid 2

IP & MAC Addresses
 A has a Packet to send to B.
 A has the IP address of B and
it knows that B is located on the same network.
 A encapsulate the packet inside B a link-layer frame
frame source & destination addresses
Packet source & destination addresses
B‟s MAC addr
A‟s MAC addr
A‟s IP addr
B‟s IP addr
IP payload
Packet frame
EE450, USC, Zahid

IP & MAC Addresses (Cont.)
 MAC address allocation administered by IEEE
 Manufacturer buys portion of MAC address space
(to assure uniqueness)
 analogy:
 MAC address: like Social Security Number  IP address: like postal address
 MAC is a flat address ➜ portability
 can move LAN card from one LAN to another
 IP is a hierarchical address ➜ not portable
 address depends on IP subnet to which node is attached
EE450, USC, Zahid 4

IP & MAC Addresses (Cont.)
 32-bit IP address:
 network-layer address for interface
 used for layer 3 (network layer) forwarding
Decimal (base 10) notation (each “numeral” represents 8bits)
 e.g.:
 MAC (or LAN or physical or Ethernet) address:
 function: used „locally” to get frame from one interface to another physically-connected interface (same network, in IP-addressing sense)
 48 bit MAC address (for most LANs) burned in NIC ROM, also sometimes software settable
 e.g.: 1A-2F-BB-76-09-AD
hexadecimal (base 16) notation
(each “numeral” represents 4 bits) EE450, USC, Zahid 5

Question #1:
How does a Host/Router get the MAC address of another Host/Router on the same LAN?
EE450, USC, Zahid 6

Address Resolution Protocol
 Each IP node (Host, Router) on LAN has ARP module/table
 ARP Cache Table: IP/MAC address mappings for some LAN nodes
 Cache lifetime ~ 20 min
Question: how to determine MAC address of B
given B‟s IP address?
EE450, USC, Zahid 7

ARP (Continued)
 Address Resolution Protocol binds an IP address to a media (link) address
 ARP is a simple request-response protocol
 Host “A” broadcasts a request packet containing IP address of “B”. Broadcast MAC address is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. All hosts receive the ARP inquiry
 Host “B” recognizes its IP address
 Host “B” sends a response (not a broadcast) packet to
first host containing its MAC address
 Host “A” caches address mapping for later use
 ARP is a local, “Plug and Play” Protocol. Nodes create
their ARP tables without intervention from net administrator EE450, USC, Zahid 8

ARP Operation
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ARP Packet
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Four Cases of ARP use
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Four Cases of ARP use (Cont.)
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Proxy ARP
EE450, USC, Zahid 13

Question #2:
How does a Host get the IP address of another Host across the Internet?
EE450, USC, Zahid 14

Domain Name Services (DNS)
 DNS is a TCP/IP client server application protocol that allow host and name servers to communicate in order to provide host name to IP address translation
 DNS uses a distributed, hierarchical naming structure by defining several Domains. A domain is a collection of sites that are related in some manner
 DNS use the services of UDP, port # 53
 Application protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP,
etc… use the services of DNS
EE450, USC, Zahid 15

Domain Name Space (Distributed)
Root Name Server
com net edu org mil gov Top Level Domains
ucla mit
Distributed Hierarchy of Name Servers
aludra milly
EE450, USC, Zahid 16

EE450, USC, Zahid 17

Domains and Zones
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Domain Names & Labels
EE450, USC, Zahid 19

Name Servers
 Local Name Servers: This is the default name server (in
department, university, company, residential ISP, etc…) that
will receive the DNS query from the host
 The IP address of the default local name server is configured manually (or Dynamically by DHCP) in the host
 Root Name Servers: There are 13 root name servers most of which are located in US (two of them in Rey). When a local name server can‟t satisfy the query from a host, it will behave as a DNS client and queries one of the root servers. If the root name server can‟t satisfy the query, it consult with
 Authoritative Name Server: This is where the host register its name/IP address
EE450, USC, Zahid 20

Root Name Servers
 Contacted by local name server that can not resolve name  Root name server:
o Contacts authoritative name server if name mapping not known o Gets mapping
o Returns mapping to local name server
e NASA Mt View, CA
f Internet Software C. Palo Alto, CA (and 36 other locations)
b USC-ISI Marina del Rey, CA l ICANN Los Angeles, CA
a Verisign, Dulles, VA
c Cogent, Herndon, VA (also LA) d U Maryland College Park, MD g US DoD Vienna, VA
h ARL Aberdeen, MD
j Verisign, ( 21 locations)
k RIPE London (also 16 other locations)
i Autonomica, Stockholm (plus 28 other locations)
m WIDE Tokyo (also Seoul, Paris, SF)
EE450, USC, Zahid

TLD and Authoritative Name Servers
 Top-level domain (TLD) servers:
 Responsible for com, org, net, edu, etc, and all
top-level country domains uk, fr, ca, jp, in, cn
 Network Solutions maintains servers for com TLD
 Educause for edu TLD
 Authoritative DNS servers:
 Organization‟s DNS servers, providing authoritative hostname to IP mappings for organization‟s servers (e.g., Web, mail).
 Can be maintained by organization or service provider
EE450, USC, Zahid 22

Local Name Server
 Does not strictly belong to hierarchy  Each ISP (residential ISP, company,
university) has one.
also called “default name server”
 when host makes DNS query, query is sent to its local DNS server
acts as proxy, forwards query into hierarchy
EE450, USC, Zahid 23

Recursive DNS
 Host “A” whose name is John.yahoo.com wants the IP address of another host “B” whose name is Mary.usc.edu
 Host “A” Contacts its local DNS server, dns.yahoo.com
Root Name Server
 dns.yahoo.com contacts root Local Name Server
Authoritative Name Server
EE450, USC, Zahid
name server, if necessary
 Root name server contacts authoritative name server, dns.usc.com, if necessary
Requesting Host

Iterative DNS
 Contacted server replies with name of server to contact
Root Name Server
iterated query
4 5
Intermediate Name Server
Authoritative Name Server
 “I don‟t know this name, but ask this server”
Local Name Server
Requesting Host
EE450, USC, .ee.usc.edu 25

Pure Iterative Resolution
EE450, USC, Zahid 26

DNS Caching
 Once (any) name server learns mapping, it caches mapping
Cache entries timeout (disappear) after some time
TLD servers typically cached in local name servers
Thus root name servers not often visited
EE450, USC, Zahid 27

Why not Centralized DNS?
 A centralized DNS represent a single point of failure. If the name server crashes so would the entire internet
 All traffic volume would have to be handled by this name server
 A single name server can‟t be close to all query clients  increased delays  World Wide Wait !!!!!
 Maintaining and updating a single name server is a huge task. Just dealing wit authentication/authorization is a nightmare
 A single Name Server doesn‟t scale !
EE450, USC, Zahid 28

DNS Records
EE450, USC, Zahid 29

Question #3:
How does a Host get an IP address?
EE450, USC, Zahid 30

Host Configuration
 Problem of managing IP addresses within a customer network
Assigning IP address
Reclaiming IP addresses
 Manual management of IP addresses
is difficult
 Error-prone Mobility of hosts
EE450, USC, Zahid 31

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
 DHCP is a client/server application designed to provide a centralized approach to configuring and maintaining IP addresses
 Four basic steps involved in obtaining an IP address:
Discovery Phase Offer Phase
Request Phase Acknowledgement Phase
EE450, USC, Zahid 32

DHCP Exchange Messages
EE450, USC, Zahid 33

DHCP Client/Server Scenario
DHCP Server
arriving DHCP client needs address in this ( network
EE450, USC, Zahid

DHCP Client/Server Scenario
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DHCP Basic Operations (When Both the Client and the Server are on same Network

DHCP Relay Agent (Needed when the Client and the Server are located on different Networks

DHCP Message Format
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DHCP State Transition
EE450, USC, Zahid 39

Question #4:
How does a Process (Application) “identify” the other process with which it wants to communicate?
EE450, USC, Zahid 40

Client/Server Paradigm
data link
data link
data link
EE450, USC, Zahid 41

Process-to-Process Communications
 Host-to-Host Communications: IP
 IP delivery is incomplete. Message must be delivered to the correct process running in destination host
 Both local and remote hosts can be running several processes at the same time  we need to be able to distinguish between these processes
 For communications to take place we need to define
 Local host/Local process
 Remote host/remote process
 Transport layer protocol providing transport
EE450, USC, Zahid 42

Port Numbers
 Port Numbers allow receiving host to determine to which local process the message be delivered
 Port numbers are integers between 0 and 65,535
 Client process defines itself with a port number chosen randomly by the underlying transport layer protocol.
 Server process defines itself by a well-known port number. The ports ranging from 0~1023 are well- known port numbers and are assigned and controlled by ICANN.
EE450, USC, Zahid 43

Socket Address
 The combination of the IP address, the port number and the transport layer protocol defines the “Socket Address” which uniquely defines the communications between the client process and the server process
Domain of TCP/UDP
Domain of IP
EE450, USC, Zahid

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