程序代做CS代考 data structure compiler concurrency SOFT3410 Tutorial 8 Synchronisation 2 – cscodehelp代写

SOFT3410 Tutorial 8 Synchronisation 2
Question 1: Removing Compiler Optimisation
Using the following source code, observe the effects of compiling your application using -O0 and -O2. Do you observe any errors in the behaviour with the application when executing it? Attempt to send an interrupt signal to this process.
int notified = 1;
void notifyme(int signo) { notified = 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) { signal(SIGINT, notifyme); while(notified);
return 0; }
If you mark the following variable as volatile, do you observe any changes to your program? Discuss what kind of optimisations could be being applied to your program without volatile.

Question 2: Dining philosophers
Assume that there are N philosophers sitting at a round table. A single chopstick is placed between two adjacent philosophers.
Every philosopher is either thinking or eating. However, a philosopher needs both chopsticks (to the left and to the right) to start eating. They are not allowed to acquire chopsticks that are not immediately adjacent to them. Complete the following program so that each philosopher is able to eat.
struct args { pthread_mutex_t lock; unsigned int id;
void* dine(void* arg) {
const unsigned id = *((unsigned *) arg); while (true) {
// TODO: Acquire two chopsticks first
// the ith philosopher can only reach
// the ith and (i + 1)th chopstick printf(“Philosopher %u is eating
”, id);
return NULL; }
int main(void) {
unsigned args[THINKERS];
pthread_t thinkers[THINKERS]; pthread_mutex_t chopsticks[THINKERS];
// create the chopsticks
for (size_t i = 0; i < THINKERS; i++) { if (pthread_mutex_init(chopsticks + i, NULL) != 0) { perror("unable to initialize mutex"); return 1; } } // launch threads for (size_t i = 0; i < THINKERS; i++) { args[i] = i; if (pthread_create(thinkers + i, NULL, dine, args + i) != 0) { perror("unable to create thread"); return 1; } } SOFT3410 Synchronisation 2 Concurrency Page 2 of 5 // wait for threads to finish for (size_t i = 0; i < THINKERS; i++) { if (pthread_join(thinkers[i], NULL) != 0) { perror("unable to join thread"); return 1; } } // remove the chopsticks for (size_t i = 0; i < THINKERS; i++) { if (pthread_mutex_destroy(chopsticks + i) != 0) { perror("unable to destroy mutex"); return 1; } } return 0; } Question 3: Semaphore philosophers We have previously solved the dining philosophers problem by using a locking hierarchy. This time, use a semaphore for the table that only allows N/2 philosophers to eat at a time. SOFT3410 Synchronisation 2 Concurrency Page 3 of 5 Question 4: Read-Write Locking On Dynamic Array You have been tasked with implementing a read-write dynamic array. Any add or remove function will be a write operation while a get function will be considered a read operation. You will need to arrange different test cases that will look into different read-write ratios. Your test cases should check that you can correctly add, remove, insert and retrieve elements from the dynamic array and your functions are thread safe. Afterwards, implement benchmarks with the following read-write ratios with your data structure and compare against your coarse grained implementation. Consider giving your data structure a set num- ber of elements at the beginning • 10% Write, 90% Read • 40% Write, 60% Read • 50% Write, 50% Read • 60% Write, 40% Read • 90% Write, 10% Read struct dynamic_array; struct dynamic_array* dynamic_array_new(size_t initial_capacity); void dynamic_array_add(struct dynamic_array *ary, void*value); void* dynamic_array_get(struct dynamic_array *v, size_t index); void* dynamic_array_remove(struct dynamic_array *ary, size_t index); void dynamic_array_destroy(struct dynamic_array* ary); SOFT3410 Synchronisation 2 Concurrency Page 4 of 5 Question 5: Hand-Over-Hand Locking Hand-Over-Hand locking will lock the data structure as it is traversing, once it has found the nodes, it has already locked the predecessor and current node, therefore it will be ready to mutate the data structure. Given the following code, change the insert and remove functions to search for the node that is to be changed and the predecessor node. Stage the changes to the data structure, afterwards, lock the nodes and verify the data has not changed after locking both the predecessor and current node. struct linkedlist_node; struct linkedlist; struct linkedlist_node* listlist_node_new(int* data, size_t length, linkedlist_node* next); struct linkedlist* linkedlist_new(); void linkedlist_insert(struct linkedlist* list, size_t index, int* data, size_t length); void linkedlist_get(struct linkedlist* list, size_t index, int** data, size_t* length); void linkedlist_remove(struct linkedlist* list, size_t index, int** data, size_t* length); void linkedlist_destroy(struct linkedlist* list); Compare your performance with a coarse grained linked list, devise test cases for benchmarking your two data structures. SOFT3410 Synchronisation 2 Concurrency Page 5 of 5

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